Sunday, January 31, 2016

Candy Is Good For You: WHA?!

Spin-off of Candy Is Bad For You: WHA?!

Every child has probably said "Candy is good for you" to their younger siblings and friends.

Every younger child has probably heard "Candy is good for you" from their older siblings and friends.

As younger children, they're like "I had no idea! I'm missing out on life! Gimme, gimme candy!"

As older children they're like "Sugar is good. With more sugar, you lose your teeth and then the tooth fairy will bring you money if you put it under your pillow! Candy is sugar. Candy is good."

Children all be like "I want more money! I wanna be rich! That means I need to eat more and more and more candy."

Older children be all like "OMG you don't have any money?! You are a LOSER!"

Younger children say "I'm not a LOSER! I'm gonna eat candy all day long and all my teeth will fall out and I'll be richer than you!"

And then time goes by.

The tooth fairy gives all the children, older and younger, their money and leaves them rich and toothless.

"Humans are so stupid," the tooth fairies say and fly away to sell the teeth to the Tooth Fairy Market and become the richest living creatures on Earth and Beyond and, at the end, rule the entire universe and everything else that comes with it.

The End.

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