Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Answers to "65 Deep Philosophical Questions" Part Four: *looks sarcastically surprised*

The above is my sarcastically surprised face.

Here we go! Okay, alright, okay, fine... Right. I'm doing this for you guys :D
Gahhh! :0

51. Is there a reason to life?

Answer: Yes, yes, yes, there is always a reason to life. ALWAYS. Trust me on this one. Do not think life is worthless, okay? OKAY??

52. Where does the soul live?

Answer: In Seoul. Haha :P Just kidding. I would like to think that it lives in your heart or maybe it shares an apartment with your conscience.

53. Is it more important to be liked or respected?

Answer: Liked. If people like you, THEN they can respect you. People cannot respect someone they hate. Right?

54. Does sound happen if nothing is present to hear it?

Answer: Actually I have thought about this question before. Have you ever listened to silence? It's like a fuzzy-ness kind of sound. There is sound. Just it is silent sound. Try listening to it. It'll help if you are alone and in a quite room like your own room at night. Night time, unless you live in the city, is a good time to listen to silence. Some people might say "No, no, there is no such thing as silence. There is ALWAYS sound SOMEWHERE and that's what you're hearing." I say no. Silence can have a sound if it wants to. Silence has right to sound.

Am I right? I am, right?

55. What is infinity?

Answer: Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever...

56. Where does the universe end?

Answer: It ends when it begins. Ha, right back at you :D

57. Does observation alter an event?

Answer: Oh yes definitely. Because it depends on the observer's perspective which depends on gender, upbringing, moral values, age, culture, and many other things I'm sure. I mean, look at opinion articles in different newspapers and magazines and tabloid websites! Some people saw that cover of the woman breast-feeding her five-year-old (I think it was about five or so) as too sexual and some people thought it was completely okay. This is an event that happened and when you read the event in a negative perspective article, you're gonna view that event as negative, or, you'll have a strong feeling of disagreement depending on your own perspectives about life and stuff.

58. Does the Law of Attraction exist?

Answer: What is the Law of Attraction? Wikipedia, I choose you! (Pokemon reference).

"The law of attraction is the name given to the maxim "like attracts like" which in New Thought philosophy is used to sum up the idea that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life. This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from "pure energy", and the belief that like energy attracts like energy" (Wikipedia: Law of Attraction).

Okay...so, in other words, my life would be absolute hell because I think about the real things rather than putting some fluffy positivity on it. Huh.

Well my life is pretty good so far :)

I think they're confusing it with "positive outlook" and "negative outlook". Say you went to the store and could not find your favorite candy.

Positive outlook: "Oh darn. But maybe I can have something different for a change. Yeah I'll do that!"

Negative outlook: "Oh darn. Frickin' idiot. Guess I'll go home and...do nothing! Stupid store, never has the one I want when I want it! :(  I hate my life right now."

But still, just because someone is all "I hate my life right now." doesn't mean they actually hate it and it will not attract other negativity...at least not for me.

I think this is crazy. It really depends on the person, I really do think it does. You can't just say that there seems to be something there just because you studied a group of people and called them "the majority". I agree with the criticism on Wiki; "Physicist Ali Alousi, for instance, criticized it as unmeasurable and questioned the likelihood that thoughts can affect anything outside the head," (Wikipedia: Law of Attraction).

59. How does gravity work?

Answer: I'm not Newton so how should I know! Besides, it probably just works as hard as it wants to anyway.

60. Where were people before they were born?

Answer: Well, first off, they weren't people. So, what were they? Idk. That's really scientific and it'll probably come with a bunch of wrong ideas. Some people think they were probably angels in Heaven. Some people think they were from a different timeline way back in the past and reborn. Some people think that people could not have existed before they took form. Some people, like me, are totally lost in this question because they have no frickin' clue about where da heck they were before they were born. I should like to think that we were all in some very nice place because the first thing we do when we are born is cry.

Well, I answered some seriously and some not seriously at all :P  I'm not an expert on science when it is mashed up with philosophy. It gets so confusin'.

So anyway, hope you have a good...er, life from this second on, oh, there went the second so are you having a good life? Are ya, are ya, are ya? (Dori from "Finding Nemo" reference).

See ya later, alligators! :D

P.S. There are only five more questions left...yippee! :D

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