Thursday, August 24, 2017


I am human.



Seriously now,

What If...I was WRONG? (Debunking My Theories and Thoughts)

Exactly a month has passed since my last post...but of course, if you're new you won't know that. Well, now you do :P

I'd like to address some theories and philosophical thoughts of mine I had years back.

Here are the stuffs I claimed:

1. John Titor is a real person AND a real time traveler.

2. The idea that something = nothing.

3. I'm a realist.

4. Wanting and Needing are two separate things. You can want something but you may not need it.

5. Galligator: Her Royal Randomness is NOT N. J. Folettia.

The last one is probably a conspiracy theory about myself that I created for myself or rather, I tried to.

Let's address that first and get it out of the way, shall we? :)