Monday, June 27, 2016

Rebellious Me: Shy people, be yourselves!

Radio Rebel is the best movie ever.

The reason I like it is because it's about that shy girl who has a crush on a guy who isn't completely in her league. I've never been to high school in the States but for some reason it gives me that warm cozy feeling inside. I've always always always been that shy girl. That girl who couldn't speak up for herself. School surely wasn't like Tara's but it did have some having a crush on a guy who didn't really knew you existed or had a voice.

Radio Rebel should be played more today. I mean, there should be re-runs of re-runs. Differences should be celebrated. Just because you're this or that, doesn't mean you are not good as a person.

Watching Radio Rebel makes me want to know what it's like to go to school in the states. You've got the cafeterias and the personalized lockers and the classrooms where you move depending on the class. In Japan we only have cafeterias in college and university. We had lockers but we never personalized them. And, we never moved classrooms. We always stayed in the same classroom and the teachers would come to us. So, we were stuck with the same group of people for a whole year. So if you had a crush on someone from high school year one, chances were you wouldn't see them hardly at all the next year cuz they mixed us up.

Anyway, the point of this post is about celebrating differences and Radio Rebel. I, personally, like to celebrate differences. I'm not afraid of telling people the real me. I used to be.

I used to

Humans are better than Animals. Da heck?!

Some of you would surely say, YES Humans are better than Animals because we have humongous brains and we have complex societies and cultures and we have weapons and other technology...that we are killing each other with.

Oh hey. Yeah sure. But our brains are the only things that separate us from the animals. Those societies and cultures and weapons are just the results of big brains thinking too much. So, we are better because we have big complex brains.

Doesn't that sound a bit absurd? I would think

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Oh god. No. Yes. Maybe.

Oh god.

Well, I just wanted to say,

First: We are all entitled to our opinions.

Second: I have read the bible from start to finish from alpha to omega, I have gone to church, I have been baptized, I have had my First Communion, I have sung church songs, and all that.

But I am a skeptic and a realist and sometimes, well, what people gleen from the bible just doesn't seem to add up for me in real life.

Like things that go wrong in life.

Let's say you applied for a job and you really wanted it. But then you weren't accepted.

Some people who believe in the nitty gritties of the bible will say,

"Well, if god wanted you to have it, you would've. But hey, you weren't accepted because he had other BETTER plans for you."

Now here is Me the Skeptical Realist thinking, "But that's just life. And what do you mean he has other BETTER plans for me? What if I never get to those plans? What if I never get to figure them out? What if a big earthquake rattles everything and god never gets to give me those BETTER plans."

I mean, let's be real here (#letsbereal). If you didn't get accepted, it's because either you weren't ready or there was something missing.

Do you think
those "awful" talents on Got Talent Anywhere in the World, get buzzed off because god had BETTER plans for them? What about if they keep going back with the same "awful" talent? I don't know why I put "awful" in quotes and not "talent" in quotes (which I just did) because...anyway.

From my own life,

Friday, June 24, 2016

History is Happening: EU, Earthquakes, and Everything Else

The big news.

The people have voted. The United Kingdom will leave the EU.

Prime Minister Cameron resigns.

This is big, guys. This is history. The voting rates were

Updated My Twitter Account: IMPORTANT

Hey guys! This is just me telling you I updated my twitter account and you can find me


Cool name, eh?


So yeah, that's about it, hope to see you there and we can have fun and I can ask you guys to ask me questions which I will answer here and we can roll with this crazy :P

Whatcha think? :D

See ya later, alligators!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

the trend: being open to your parents about who you are. i am whispering.

you know i think i'll talk in small case today because i'm hiding in a closet


well, anyway it's so tempting to press the shift to make the beginning in caps.

but i can't.

the "i" is hard not to make in caps.

so i wanted to make it like i'm whispering

i think the world is dangerously on the brink of self-destruction


because so many people use guns



Tuesday, June 21, 2016

What if...cats disappeared? Happy Random Day!

This is a completely on-impulse blog that is not so very serious.

What if cats disappeared? What would happen?

Well, we won't be able to watch any more cat videos. Wait, when I say cats disappear, I mean the cat videos and memes too. Goodbye, Grumpy Cat.

So what would we watch instead?

Saturday, June 18, 2016

I just want to talk to you and NEW VID!

Sometimes I just want to talk to you. Sometimes my posts don't start out with a topic. Honestly they don't sometimes. I see people doing YouTube and I want to do YouTube but I don't want people to see my face because

1. My parents are beginning to tap into the YouTube world and I don't want them finding out it's me in there.

2. I don't like looking at my own face so much and I get really cringy when I watch myself talk and do things. But if it's just my voice, I got no problems with that.

Because of these reasons, I blog instead.

I'm like you guys, always looking for the next interesting thing. I was just watching a channel called "TheRichest" and seeing the top 10 this and that.


But am I credible enough? If you think about it,

Friday, June 17, 2016

I Support the LGBTQ+ Community

I just thought I needed to say something about this.

Especially after watching Tyler Oakley's video on the Orlando Shooting and being different is good stuffs.

Let me tell you a few things about me first.

I am a catholic who is

Japanese Songs into English: SMAP Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana

Motto: You can't sing 'em, but you can enjoy 'em.

Here is a singable version which, the translation is not exact but at least you can sing it.


Great job guy who did this. But

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

"He is a LIAR and He DID do it." You can't say that.

Recent news apparently, and I won't say which one. Big scandal. People are dead. And this one guy is being blamed.

Is he telling the truth or is he lying?

Winning vs Losing: What does it mean to win / lose?

In Which I Just Talk to You in the Beginning and See What Happens

Winning. Ah, that glorious term, that glorious word of delicious victory...

Losing. Ah, that hideous term, that awful term of defeat...ugh

But really, what does it mean to win? When we say someone has won in life, what does that mean?

Monday, June 13, 2016

Scandals: Yoichi Masuzoe (to which Dr. Phil would say...) UPDATE included

Living in Japan gives me access to stuff you guys outside of Japan might not get to see or hear about.

There's this Governor of Tokyo called Yōichi Masuzoe (Wiki-ed him here) and he recently has been the center of many accusations concerning using government cash to do fun things with his family.

Now, it's actually not unusual for a political guy to be accused of using government money for personal enjoyment. I remember one political guy had to

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Relationships: I can only stretch so far

I just watched a really really really REALLY great movie that you guys should DEFINITELY WATCH if you haven't.

Thanks Wikipedia for the pic.
It's called "The Intern". Great stuff.

This movie is about relationships. All kinds of relationships. Husband and wife, friends, coworkers, boss and coworker, old and old, old and young, young and young, man and woman, mother and daughter, mother and father, child and adult, any kind of relationship ever.

It got me thinking and it's almost one in the morning but I gotta get this down. So it got me thinking about my own relationships.

You know guys,

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

You're saying it WRONG! Shoes are Pretty, not Cute

Why do we find certain things cute? Why do we go AWWWWWWWW!!! when we see





Well, probably because they look innocent.

We can find human babies cute, too. Well, some of us. The rest of us see them as manipulative little devils who are actually the ones ruling the world. Anyway, I'm not the latter. I swear *emphasizes words*.

The common point is that they are all innocent. They LOOK innocent and vulnerable and THAT's what we find cute.

But then, some girls and guys see a pair of shoes and go,

THESE ARE SO CUTE! I gotta get these!

shoes aren't CUTE like, they aren't innocent.

They aren't even ALIVE so how can they be INNOCENT?

Here's what I thought. Perhaps