Sunday, January 24, 2016

Answers to "65 Deep Philosophical Questions" Part Three: OMG not done yet!

Ay yai yai yaaaa

Okay *determined face* here we go again! *sarcastic singing*

Just that I hope these "65 Deep Philosophical Questions" 65DPQs won't get so personal this time...I is suspicious meow (now).

41. The structure of DNA appears to be intelligently designed, what are the implications?

Answer: This means that we are living on this planet Earth for a pretty good reason and the answers are all in our DNA. Idk if this is right or not. I feel like this question is a right or wrong question :/

42. If everything evolved from amoebas, how does the world still have amoebas?

Answer: This site asked a similar question...which I already answered. So, just insert "amoeba" every time you see the word "monkey" and switch it up a bit in the Answer part and that's my answer for this question.

The similar question: If man evolved from monkeys, how come we still have monkeys?

My answer: Well, supposedly we evolved from a certain kind of alpha monkey. Maybe they were kings of the Ape-ish world of All Great Monkey-ness. But the lesser monkeys didn't have the right DNA and stuff to evolve to the Great Human Beans. So obviously we still have monkeys because there had HAD to be some monkeys that were farmers and peasants and of other lower class.
Change "monkey" to "amoeba" and it'll look something like this:

A: Well, supposedly everything evolved from a certain kind of alpha amoeba. Maybe they were kings of the Amoeba-ish world of All Great Amoeba-ness. But the lesser amoebas didn't have the right DNA and stuff to evolve to the Great Everythings. So obviously we still have amoebas because there had HAD to be some amoebas that were farmers and peasants and of other lower class in the Earth's first ever Kingdom.

43. Is life all a dream?

Answer: If life is a dream, then it should not hurt when I fall down. You never feel pain in your dreams.

44. When does consciousness begin?

Answer: I need to answer this in a non-serious way because it's too deep and might require another you know, post and research and...all that good delicious effort :)

So here's my answer:

Consciousness begins when it wants to.

There you go :D

45. What are numbers?


46. Can we have happiness without sadness?

Answer: Let's say there is someone who has never EVER EVAR experienced sadness in their life. Let's call this person Thum Wun. Thum Wun is the happiest person on the planet. Thum Wun does not know what sadness is and cannot understand why people get sad. Thum Wun does not even know that such a thing as "sadness" exists and has never even heard of it. If Thum Wun has never even heard of "sadness" and then one day, out of some very tragic miracle, feels sad, Thum Wun will not be able to identify that feeling as sadness because Thum Wun has never felt sad in his ENTIRE LIFE.

If you don't know what "sadness" is, you can't label a certain feeling as "sadness". Therefore, you CAN have happiness without sadness. What I mean is, if you only know what you're feeling is called "happiness" and that is all you have known and all you have felt, how can you possibly know this new feeling is called "sadness". I am talking about definitions and labeling here, not the actual feeling itself.

If we label all feelings as "happiness", yes, we can have happiness without sadness.

Am I making any sense here? I'm lost now :/ And if I'm lost, you're in big trouble, mmhm (The Santa Clause Tim Burton reference).

47. How did the universe begin?

Answer: First there was nothing. Then there was a BIG BANG. I might touch on different universe beginning theories later. Also, different religions say different things and it's quite interesting...

48. Is there a supreme power?

Answer: This answer depends on your religion. In other words, don't ask it!

49. What is education?

Answer: I never thought about that... I think about a lot of things but certainly I have never EVAR thought about this. Basically it's stuffing your brain with information that you may or may not need some time in the future...yeah...anyway...


50. What will happen at the end of the world?

Answer: I die. You die. He dies. She dies. It dies. They die. We all die.
And my theory is that, the Earth just restarts the Big Bang and evolution all over again.

Okay so now we only have 15 more questions to go! Halleluigahghayaha (I forgots da spellin' and absolutely panicked).

See ya later, alligators! :D

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