Wednesday, September 23, 2015

On Tourism and Traveling: Local and Foreign

Today in class, my professor talked about what is local and what is foreign.

This is just my afterthought so you guys don't need to pay too much attention to it. I just needed to get it out somewhere.

When a "local" area is visited by "foreigners" or tourists, that local area becomes foreign to the tourists. When the local area has enough publicity and means to market, they are advertised by the media and most often glorified or stereotyped. To answer to the expectations of the foreigners who have seen these advertisements, often local areas will build amusement parks or build attraction buildings so that they will more represent the area advertised in the media.

Kinda like Tokyo being The City With Tall Buildings, but then building taller and shinier buildings just to answer to the expectations of the foreigners or tourists given to them by the media.

It is a market response on the part of the said local area.