Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Idea: Create a Website where Artists can Collaborate

Do you ever have times where your mind just won't shut up?
It's not a bad thing, of course not! But sometimes, don't you wish you could do something more about it?

Because I write A LOT and watch a lot of YouTube or documentaries or movies or listen to music and watch music videos...sometimes I get ideas that I think would be perfect for either an animation or a short film.

But I'm not a film guru or someone who has gone to film school. I tried editing a video I made with Galligator on YouTube because she's not good with all that stuff and it was soooo tedious! Cutting the video in the right places...anyway, what I'm trying to say is,

there should be a place, a large community online, a website of sorts accessible to many people in the world, where artists can all gather easily and share their skills and collaborate easily online.

I have lots of ideas for a short film or animation but I have no film skills and I feel script writing is so tedious and not for me. But I can write short stories or little bits of ideas in story form. Perhaps someone with animation skills and script writing skills can understand while I'm coming from and we can work together.

SKYPE. Now that's a great way to collaborate. There should be a SKYPE for Artists so that artists can feel safe collaborating with people they may never get to meet in person.

Not just someone like me, but someone like...say, maybe you are interested in making an animation but the thought is daunting. Through collaboration with more professional artists, you can find someone to collaborate with with ease and they can teach you.

And there should of course be rules. We don't want any scammers or people who try to get you to buy stuff. There should be a trial period. You work with that person for about a few weeks just to see if you can make it work. If you find out early on, cancel it. If it seems to work, keep at it.

The service itself should be free. I don't want to have to pay for it. Then I'll just say "Forget it, I'll just let my ideas go to waste."

What do you think? I think this could work.

Oh, there should be a screening process. The people who own the website can screen out and potential scammers or promoters selling products. And of course, nothing R-rated. And the website will live off of donors and sponsors.

I think it can work. I think so.

YouTube isn't enough, guys. That's for people who already know HOW to make videos or ones good enough.

Yes, there should be a place where artists from all over the world can collaborate with ease.

See ya later, alligators! :D

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Big Profile Pic Change: I need to document this

For six years since the moment I joined, my Figment: Write Yourself In profile has looked like this:

SIX YEARS, guys. Most Figment users have changed their profile AT LEAST once.

Today is the day that it changes.

Goodbye old me, the cat that looks like a mushroom.

Hello new me! My new profile features my good friend, a magic fox! Not just that, I designed it myself, a completely legal profile.

See ya later, alligators! :D

If you want more legal designs and such, check out my other blog Magic Cover Shop: Art Corner.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

America's Got Talent 2016: Lori Mae Hernandez has been...

Lori Mae Hernandez, a name that just rolls off your tongue and into the lake (I'm not referring to anything here.)

a teen comedian that made heads turn with her audition of witty jokes and a cheeky smile,

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Does anime...? ABCDEFGoogle Search!

ABCEDFGoogle Search! How to:

Type in "YOUR QUESTION" in Google Search and then enter every letter of the alphabet and then answer them.

Since I live in Japan and have for the bulk of my life, I think I am safe to say that I know a lot about anime.

So, here goes! :D

Does anime...
affect your personality?

Well, I'll have to say it does make certain people extremely obsessed with it and then those people may become hostile to others who don't think the same way as them. Idk. But I think it affects you a bit. If you choose to let it affect you.

Does anime...
brainwash you?

Friday, September 9, 2016

Pokemon Name Change: WHY??

Pokemon originated in Japan. I have lived in Japan all my life, I know my Pokemon, guys.

All the original 250 Pokemon have their own names...in Japanese.

I always find it very strange that the US spent so much time to rename all the Pokemon so that Americans could say them.

They didn't do that with Disney characters in Japan. I mean, Cinderella is Cinderella and Snow White is Snow White. You could say "I like Elsa" and they'll know what you're talking about. You could say "I like Donald Duck" and they'll know what you're talking about.

Just Pokemon was changed. All the names. 250 but now it's what, 500? 750? I lost track.

Why did they bother? Were some of the names offensive?

Let me see,

 This is

Monday, September 5, 2016

Are ghosts real? (maybe) Real Ghost Pics Inside!

Exactly 5 years ago I wrote about ghosts in my first ever article for this blog.

Here it is, if you'd like to read it, it's kinda short.

I wanted to sort of...rewrite that article just because it was the first one and I was...you know...a newbie blogger and a lot of the article doesn't make sense.

Apparently ghost sightings are pretty normal and even popular.

Sometimes the footage is good but sometimes you can't tell wha da heck you're supposed to be looking at.

Ghost smashes bottles apparently in this one.

I watched this thing twice but it's so blurry it could've been anything, really. Like a malfunction *raises eyebrow on one side and gives the "you're kidding me, right?" look*

I don't see glasses flying around. Or wine bottles breaking.

When you read the article, the only person that makes actual comments is the licensee Bradbury.

I'm suspicious of you, Bradbury. You sure you didn't make this all up?

He says "we saw bottles flying" but who is this "we"? Bradbury, Bradbury, and Bradbury?

And then the thing about locals...well, of course there are going to be some people who actually see ghosts breaking bottles in this super blurry video footage that isn't creepy AT ALL!

And a ghostly figure dancing in front of cameras? If a person moves fast, he can look blurry. If he is wearing all white, he can look ghostly. If it was Bradbury, he'll know exactly what to do.

And this was also still back in 2014. You can edit videos nicely so that they look creepy and look like "ghost footage".

When you go to Google Search and type "paranormal sightings" there are

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Fe is iron. What does that mean for women then?

I just realized,

male: this word points to the woman counterpart, the gender name for them.

female: this word is the woman gender name.

Female is just

Cinnamon Challenge Meme Dream

Guys, I dreamt last night.


In my dream my parents were watching a TV series in DVD at home on the couch and I was in the kitchen cleaning. But I couldn't help watching bits and laughing cuz it was just so hilarious.

I don't remember what the show was about but I remember it was funny.

So, there was this one scene where a girl is in