Friday, January 22, 2016

Answers to "65 Deep Philosophical Questions" Part Two: Here They Come!

Here is Part 1 with the link to the site where I got all the questions.

Answers to "65 Deep Philosophical Quetions" Part One

Let's get down to business! To defeat, the questions! Answer all the questions! And you might, survive! (Mulan "Be A Man" song reference. Sing it in the tune of "Let's get down to business! To defeat, the Huns! Heed my every order! And you might, survive!")

21. What is true strength?

Answer: True strength is not about the muscle, it is about the will. Are you strong-willed? Strong-minded? True strength is not something physical that you see, it is something abstract. Something that you show through actions. I believe so, anyway.

22. What is true love?

Answer: OMG, this is the exact question that I struggled with so much in the past! :0
These days I just let things happen. I don't think we will ever find out what true love really is. It is more abstract than true strength, is all I can say :/

23. Is a family still relevant in the modern world?

Answer: A family is relevant in any time of our human history and prehuman history. All creatures have families and I'm sure they all value "family" in their own little ways.

24. What role does honour play in today’s society?

Answer: Honor, or honour (if you wanna be British), is that something, that abstract something that is built up over the years through actions and words and becomes your armor, or armour (if you still wanna be British) or your medal, or medal *British accent* that makes you shine. Not literally shine but shine in the sense of earning respect from others.

On a side note, I really like British accents.

25. If money cannot buy happiness, can you ever be truly happy with no money?

Answer: In this modern world, you cannot LIVE without money. Will you be happy to starve to death? I don't think so. In this modern world where almost everything you need for living can only be acquired if you have money, I don't think you can ever be truly happy without money. In other words, you will be quite unhappy without money. Such as those homeless who sit on the streets; aren't they almost always asking for money? If they were happy, they probably wouldn't be asking for money. They NEED money to LIVE. That's what our current modern world is like.

26. How do you know your perceptions are real?

Answer: I shall answer that with a question; how do you know you HAVE perceptions in the first place? What if all that you are perceiving, actually is not your perceptions but something that has been programmed deep inside your conscience and subconscience? Ever think about it like that? *grins*

27. How much control do you have over your life?

Answer: Personally I think I have quite a lot of control over my life. What about you?

Deep Philosophical Questions getting personal again...*shifty eyes of suspicion*

28. What is freedom?

Answer: To be able to do things (that are right in your society) without having someone giving you a weird reason not to do it. To be able to live the life you want to live. To be allowed to be yourself. Idk, I think freedom is many, many things. I think someone who knows what it's like to be a servant of someone else knows what freedom is better than I do. I have a feeling it's not just free will.

29. Isn’t one person’s terrorist another person’s freedom fighter?

Answer: Maybe, but terrorism isn't the way to go about fighting for freedom. Let's be diplomatic and talk things out here, shall we? *tentative smile*

30. What happens after we die?

Answer: Many things. Depending on your religion.

Humorous Answer: Everyone cries while you smile peacefully on your deathbed. Or, our face is frozen in eternal terror as the Joker laughs in our cold dead face (Batman reference).

OKAY, all together there are 10 here. Let's see the next batch :)

31. What defines you?

Answer: Anything and everything that only I do or like. For some reason I have dejavu. I feel like I already answered this...

Deep Philosophical Questions getting personal again, again...*more shifty eyes of increased suspicion*

32. What do people strive for after enlightenment?

Answer: There is an "after" for enlightenment? That's an extent that it doesn't make any sense. In Buddism, the goal is to achieve enlightenment. After that you just become everyone else's teacher. But you're not asking me what people do after enlightenment, you're asking me what people strive for after enlightenment! Idk what da heck they strive for! Why don't you ask them instead? They probably just start levitating, though.

33. Do we have a soul?

Answer: Again with the religious questions! *throws arms up in air* This all depends on your religion and what you believe in, okay!

34. What is intelligence?

Answer: Something that you naturally have. Like if you're naturally good at math, you are intelligent in math. But if someone had to force you to get good at it, then you aren't. Also intelligence is knowing the basic things. Such that rains falls from clouds, gravity pulls you down, the river goes to the ocean, trees are green, stealing is bad, that sort of stuff. Just basic human knowledge. If you didn't know that, then congradulations now you do.

35. How should people live their lives?

Answer: YOLO. You only live once so live it in the way that is fulfilling and you will have interesting-enough things to tell your kids and grandkids.

36. If lying is wrong, are white lies okay?

Let's get this straight now, shall we? Lying and white lies are two different things, like cats and lions are two different things. Certainly they have the similar aspect of "not telling the absolute truth". Cats and lions have the similar aspect of "belonging to the cat family and being meat eaters that hunt for prey".

But lies and white lies have different aspects as well. Lies usually have some sneaky plan going on behind them. They are a get-away, an escape from the truth, they don't value the truth, they want to cover up their tracks. Lies can spiral out of control because, lets face it, often it is easier to lie than to deal with the truth.

On the other hand, white lies are told out of kindness. Someone has on a tacky hat that their deceased grandmother gave to them. It doesn't suit them at all but you tell them it looks really nice on them and that their grandmother would really like that they are wearing it. Or maybe someone can't swim at all. They are terrified of the water and can only get so far. But you tell them they almost made it, just a little bit more in order to make them feel good about themselves and help them achieve their goal.

So, white lies are okay.

Finally, the major difference with cats and lions is this:

Cats purr, but lions don't.

37. Is trust more important than love?

Answer: If you wanna have a long-lasting loving relationship with someone, you need trust between the two of you (I learned this from my parents). So I guess trust, in a sense, is more important than love. You cannot truly love someone without trust...or, can you? Choosing Between Either Love or Trust post link here

38. Is it easier to love or be loved?

Answer: For me, to be loved. Love is too complicated to think about. If someone loves me, then I accept them. Just don't ask my view :/

39. Is it better to love and lose or never to love?

Answer: Just as it is better to do it and regret it RATHER THAN not doing it at all, it is better to love and lose RATHER THAN never loving at all.

Hmm, I need to figure out what love is so that I'll never regret NOT loving.

40. Do aliens exist?

Answer: Aliens often seem to be defined as anything that is foreign. When we go into the ocean, we are foreigners to the ocean. Fish do not regularly see a human floating around in there. So, therefore, we are aliens to the bioregion.

Bioregion: A natural ecological community. This is a new word I learned and I like the sort of futuristic/Sci-Fi feel to it :)

Okay so we finished, er, I finished 40 Deep Philosophical Questions. Since I'm answering 10 at a time, there might be 4 or 5 parts. Well we'll see.

See ya later, alligators! :D

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