Sunday, August 28, 2016

Imaginary Friends: Twin Brothers and My Double

If you've seen Inside Out, the Pixar film, you might remember Bing Bong. He was Riley's imaginary friend and he was still hidden inside her head even as she grew up.

I think most of us have imaginary friends. I was thinking it might be a culturally American thing because idk if any of my Japanese or Chinese friends had imaginary friends or even know what an imaginary friend is.

Most of my culture is Japanese, yet the other half is American. Did I have an imaginary friend? And if I did, where is it today?

The answer is

Friday, August 19, 2016

Can we...? ABCDEFGoogle Search!

It is here! It is here! Finally!

    What is?

A post!
    Yeah so?

It's an ABCDEFGoogle Search! You know, type in part of the question and answer with google autofill for each letter of the alphabet after the question? You know, like Google Autofill from the SuperCarlinBrothers?

     REALLY? Whatcha searchin'?

Can we...?

Can we...

Yes, you can, if you like. Just nothing too crazy, 'kay?

Can we...

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Cover Art for My Novel

I debated on whether or not to post this in "Magic Cover Shop Art Corner" but then I decided to post it here cuz it IS about my own writing.

I first posted my novel "Liaffon" on Figment: Write Yourself In over 5 years ago and it had this cover on for years:

Looks bad, I know.

Then I changed it to

Sunday, August 7, 2016

What is Memory? (No science, so relax...a little)

What is memory? What are the ingredients for memory?

These are the two questions I want to get to. But like any good researcher, let's take a look at what experts and sort-of experts say. Just a little tiny bit. I don't want to bore you or boar you or pig you or cow-and-chicken you so don't worry. It's just a teeny weeny itty bitty bit.

Experts Say What?? (Miley Cyrus reference)


Like...the Smithsonian! :D

This is in 2010 so it's not like crystalized new information but it'll do.

Here is a quote that jumped out at me: