Thursday, May 26, 2016

Creative things people would do if life gave them lemons...on Whisper

Whisper App. You can't find me :) The "When life gives you lemons..." Whisper is quite cliche and popular. Here are some things people would do if life gave them lemons. The parentheses are my comments and/or thoughts.

Make lemonade (cliche much.)

Squeeze them in people's eyes :)  (The smiley face was not included by me.)

Chuck them at people you hate (oh the negativity.)

Freeze them and throw them at the haters (geesh people!)

Either make lemonade,
or blind your enemies (oh come on :/ be nice.)

Make a chocolate cake instead of lemonade. So people will wonder how da heck you did it. (I fixed it so there were no really bad swear words in it. And yes, lemon rind in chocolate cake might taste good.)

Carve faces into them and make them your friends (aw cute :)    )

Eat it like any other fruit (good point.)

Make lemon chicken (mmm, yummy.)

Stomp on them (to make what? lemon pancakes?)

Make lemon meringue pie (sounds yummy.)

Make orange juice (where are you gonna get the oranges though?)

Chuck the lemons back at life and demand chocolate (YES! Rebellion, I like it.)

Ask for an apple instead (Life, please be nice, and give us an apple instead? Pretty please with sugar on top?)

Let the lemons be lemons (Says the realist, apparently. I'm a realist but I didn't say it. T'wasn't me :)   )

Ask life why it gave you lemons because what use are lemons to you? (True, true, good point. Wha da heck are we supposed to do with lemons besides making lemonade? There is already so much lemonade in my fridge, I don't need to be making any more. Seriously!)

Make apple juice (Where to get the apples? Oh hey Life? Yeah, I need some apples, too.)

Make beef stew (I like beef stew, yum.)

Throw them at idiots that stand in your way (negative much. I am against violence guyz.)

Sell them to make money (Life, you made a big mistake to give me your lemons. I am rich! Rich, rich, rich! (Courage the Cowardly Dog: Eustace reference).)

Thank life for the free gift but don't moan because it wasn't what you wanted (Santa Claus understands Life. He has heard moans, too. "Life," says Santa, "don't take it personally.")

Accept them and move on (Go on a new adventure! Go places! See things! Breath air! Do stuff! Do stuff other than breathing air! Do stuff that is fun and nice and happy and free! Sit back down because you've just realized nothing in the world is really truly free when you want to travel and do stuff.)

Complain (and whine and whine and whine and become a poor little puppy who just wants to play and trick Life to take it back. "No, don't cry, I didn't mean it!" says Life, handing you a tissue.)

Life doesn't suddenly give you lemons! (True. Life makes you pay for it first *wink wink*)

Turn it into gold (genius Life hack. Turn it to gold and become a millionaire because no one has ever discovered a golden lemon before and you will be so famous. More so than Grumpy Cat, maybe.)

Scream "unacceptable!!!!" (no comment here, you said it all :)   )

Grow a lemon tree with the seeds (and become rich, of course. But be nice and give them to children who love lemons but their families can't afford them.)

Don't make lemonade because nothing will happen (True. Life will not consider your genius and give you chocolate cake. You need to make that yourself. Life will not pamper you.)

Share them (Yes, be nice guyz :)   )

Put them in a bowl (because DUH! Where else do you put lemons when Life gives them to you? On your head? No. In a bowl of course!)

Make everybody believe they are watermelons (You'll need to learn how to hypnotize the entire world. Use YouTube.)

Clone them and make super-lemons (and become rich, of course. It would be the ultimate best if you cloned them and then made super-golden-lemons with your golden lemons you invented a while back. It might be nice if the lemons don't react badly to Kryptonite though (Superman reference).)

Wow, some people can be really negative toward others when life gives them lemons. Why be so sour, guyz? It's just lemons. It's not like life is giving you the California Reaper and filming you while you suffer and beg for ice cream.

You know what I would do? I would divide them evenly and give half back to Life because those are Life's lemons. I don't want to take ALL of them. It wouldn't be very nice, would it? :)

See ya later, alligators :D

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