So, Reggie 'n' Bollie are two guys from Ghana who came as Runner-up in X Factor UK 2015 with the Winner as Louisa Johnson (simply amazing girl, omg, you would be literally BLOWN AWAY). Maybe I just don't understand Reggae, but I have absolutely NO IDEA why they are the Runner-up. Like, what's so good about them? I do think they are nice guys, they bring fun to the stage, and they can have good vocals...but really, Runner-up?
This is one of my shorter posts. I just...I just really don't understand. It's Reggae always like this? I felt sometimes they were even off-key...or maybe that's just Reggae???
I respect that many people did vote for them and probably that means they generally are really really amazing.
I just don't get it. And I tried Google Search to see if anyone else didn't get it. So far I haven't found anyone...well, maybe now I will.
Is this Reggae? Are these guys truly worth it for Runner-up? Is their Reggae super awesome omg you can't even?
Someone tell me please! :0