Saturday, March 5, 2016

A Story...I think...flash fiction, I suppose...

This is a live typing...thing. I have not decided the topic, I will just write a story and see where it leads me.

Let's start out with a classic beginning...

Once upon a time there was a King and a Queen and they both really loved to sing in the shower. But their neighbor, a really evil bunny-rabbit hated to hear them sing together like that in their individual showers. He had no one to sing songs with and he was very upset about the whole thing.

Now down the street in a cul-de-sac lived a crazy little old woman with crazy green and purple hair and she loved to try and do some voodoo and witchcraft but she was terrible at it. But only she knew that she was terrible at it.

So one day the bunny-rabbit, fed up with all this singing lovey dovey shower stuff, went down to the crazy little old woman.

"Come in my pretty little bunny-rabbit, come in!" she said in a scraggly low voice. Her hair was falling out constantly along with her bobbypins and every time she bent over, her fake witch's nose kept falling off and she had to put it back on and the bunny-rabbit had to pretend he didn't see anything.

Now the crazy old woman's name was Zeela Meela Mo and the bunny-rabbit's name was Bunrab Rabbinbun. Apart from the fact that Zeela Meela Mo was crazy, they got along quite well and Bunrab Rabbinbun almost thought about moving here instead of living in the apartment complex near the little royal duplex.

Anyway, Zeela Meela Mo had the perfect curse spell voodoo thing that Bunrab Rabbinbun could put on the King and Queen so that they will not sing again. What she didn't tell him was that the curse was only for a week and after that Bunrab Rabbinbun would have to come back and pay for more curses. Afterall, Zeela Meela Mo had to make a business, you know.

So Bunrab Rabbinbun took the curse powder stuff home after paying a handsome price for it. 50 dollars for one package of black and purple and yellow powder.

"Now the King and Queen can stop bothering me and making me feel miserable!" he cackled as he went to their house dressed in his best attire. He presented the package as some exotic tea and even earned a little money for it. The King and Queen were actually really big fans of exotic foods and other strange objects. They even went to street markets to get things like Beetle Wing Saute or Bird Beak Fries and tried everything on the menu of every exotic restaurant. They never got sick.

After Bunrab Rabbinbun got home, he watched from his upstairs window, for he could see their dining room from there. The King and Queen had a large glass window near their dining room like it was a real castle. He saw them drinking the "tea" and cackled at the sight. There was no immediate affect but Bunrab Rabbinbun knew he would not have to hear them sing in the morning.

Sure enough the next day, the King and Queen found that when they tried to sing, the notes would get caught in their throats. They went to the doctor for this who told them it was a bad case of


It was a very rare disease and the doctor had only seen one other case of it. It was actually Bunrab Rabbinbun's ex-girlfriend. Bunrab Rabbinbun didn't just curse the King and the Queen but unknowingly he also cursed his ex-girlfriend with some cursed chocolates on Valentines' Day. That's why she is now he EX-girlfriend. The curse makes her stay away from him forever.

But there was a cure, thank goodness. The King and Queen needed to act out Shakespeare on a stage. The passion of Shakespeare was the cure for and they were then able to sing again almost right away. Bunrab Rabbinbun saw this and was angry with the crazy woman Zeela Meela Mo because her curses were too easy to break. From word of mouth he heard about the King and Queen had acted out Shakespeare on stage and this cure was found thanks to a beautiful bunny-rabbit called Carrottia Fluffintail Measey, who happened to be his ex-girlfriend's sister. Carrottia Fluffintail Measey noticed that when her sister watched Shakespeare's plays, she would mention Bunrab Rabbinbun but then when the play was over she would be all mean and cynical about him.

Carrottia Fluffintail Measey was very smart and she tied these together and wrote about it in her blog which the doctor found through researching on the web about how to cure curses. Carrottia Fluffintail Measey had a PhD from Harvard University. She was, indeed, very smart. She was also, secretly, an FBI agent.

Finding this out, Bunrab Rabbinbun gave up on the King and the Queen, packed his bags and moved out to the countryside near where he knew his ex-girlfriend lived with her sister. He contacted some students from a theater school and asked them to come and put on a Shakespeare play, a very long one, for his ex-girlfriend to watch.

"What are you doing here?" his ex-girlfriend Micha Cottonbun Measey said when he saw him in her yard with the theater students. "Get out!"

But Bunrab Rabbinbun, with the help of Carrottia Fluffintail Measey, strapped Micha Cottonbun Measey in a chair and forced her to watch three whole hours of Shakespeare. During the play, there were parts that were read out loud by someone and they had her do that because it was the passion of Shakespeare that cured the curse.

At the end of the three hours, everyone was exhausted but Bunrab Rabbinbun was happy. Micha Cottonbun Measey had reached out for him, he had cut the ropes loose and she jumped into his arms.

"I don't know what had come over me! Oh, Bunrab, I missed you so much!"

At last Bunrab Rabbinbun and Micha Cottonbun Measey got married and lived happily ever after in a small little town where neighbors were not too close. They sang in the shower to their hearts' content and Bunrab Rabbinbun took up a job as a garden designer. He became very successful.

The crazy old woman Zeela Meela Mo was evicted from her house because of all the strange potion-like smells coming from it bothered the neighbors. No one knows where she is now.

The End.

....okay that was a weird story. Hope you enjoyed it...see ya later, alligators :/

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