Monday, February 8, 2016

Viruses come like the plague: Intentional virus? Are you kidding me?

Chicken disease
Cow disease
Now the Zika virus

First let me throw this out...uhm...I'm not a scientist so I don't know how viruses come into this world... *silently blames everything on climate change* but I do know how crazy this sounds:


I just wanted to know what a baby with Zika virus looked like. NYTimes articles were saying babies were born with no forehead and I had no idea what that would look like so I went to look it up and found this religious blog.

Now I know that everyone has their own beliefs when it comes to science.

I also know that there are some people out there who don't believe in science.

I also, also know that those people who don't believe in science also believe in certain types of religion.

Just genuinely, I just genuinely don't understand how someone does not believe in science. It is reality and they are able to turn a blind eye to it. Well, perhaps their reality involves God and their religious beliefs.

But really I don't understand how someone cannot see the reality.

I mean that blog, sorry whoever Angel 4 Light is but I don't think its so very nice to say that someone made babies heads shrink on purpose.

Disclaimer: I'm not trying to correct Angel 4 Light's beliefs. I'm just saying what I think so that people who don't know so very much wouldn't think that there is only one opinion about these matters.

Let's put this Zika virus in perspective here.

So, it has appeared in Brazil. Here's what I would think. It's probably got to do with the climate and some sort of mutant gene in the mosquito. Genes aren't always gonna be perfect. Viruses can also be dormant for a number of years and then decide to spring up at you suddenly when effected by some kind of climate change or other factors that are different from the normal everyday ones.

Am I making sense?

I hope so.

I just really don't think it's nice to say the Zika virus was intentional and bring Bill Gates out of nowhere and accuse him of creating a vaccine.

Vaccines can't be created in a night just as Rome wasn't built in a day (I really wanted to say that Rome saying :P )

When Ebola came out, people worked hard and quick to get a vaccine but it still wasn't created in a night. I think it took at least a few weeks maybe a month?

And the wordpress article is also saying to not vaccinate your children basically.

That became a problem in California or somewhere like that because everyone was scared and all the children got sick.

Either suffer or build a shield.

I would rather build a shield.

What da heck Angel 4 Light. I'm Christian and I believe in science because it is the reality and reality is my middle name.

But as I always say and will say again, you can believe whatever you want. I don't care. We should be entitled to our own an extent.

See ya later, alligators.

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