Thursday, June 23, 2016

the trend: being open to your parents about who you are. i am whispering.

you know i think i'll talk in small case today because i'm hiding in a closet


well, anyway it's so tempting to press the shift to make the beginning in caps.

but i can't.

the "i" is hard not to make in caps.

so i wanted to make it like i'm whispering

i think the world is dangerously on the brink of self-destruction


because so many people use guns


so many people are terrified of each other


because we are too lazy to understand each other. we don't want to make that effort


we are all sloths


well heck i have no more reasons

so...what were we gonna chat about?

oh yes, my dream.

i had a dream that i told my mom i was asexual

and she didn't believe me

and then she told me there was a study that said how you could find out if you were in love or not

the study said you can find out by eating bananas


but she does do that thing where she says "oh but there is a study...therefore you should listen to me i am your mother and i am right"

in a world where lots of people are being more open who they are, to what extent do we tell our parents?

as you can see, i am just like you guys, i think about these things and wonder because i have lots of stuff i haven't told my parents

i mean, we all have right? *grins in a slightly sad way*

i know that telling your parents if you are gay or lesbian or bi or queer or trans is important

it messes with your future sometimes

and often you parents have had big plans for you getting married and whatnot

what about if you might, possibly, could, perhaps, be asexual?

do your parents need to know that or would it not matter and you should only tell your future bf or gf or spouse?


i recently started playing with that idea

i first found out about it in a video about two asexual people meeting up and starting a relationship

they looked so happy

i kept thinking about it

i kept playing with the idea

recently i started really playing with it

some youtubers started to come out

some youtubers said they were asexual

more and more people are being accepted for who they are

it is so freakin great like finally differences are being appreciated

i feel different no matter where i go cuz i am half american and japanese

i feel different because i don't like moving with the crowd that often but then i am japanese so i do move with the crowd and even worry about what people think of me

what if no one would want to be with me unless i change? i wondered that today. like, what if i don't start wearing makeup no guy who is my type will want to date me?

oh heck. why am i the way i am? i used to be so introverted and shy and nothing and a nobody and suddenly i decide to be somebody...but then, what is me? i am a girl, no doubt for that. but what kind of person is me?

hm. maybe some of you think about these, too?

who am i? am i a nobody? (Emily Dickinson reference) is there even such a thing as being a "somebody"? celebrities are somebodies in the sense that they have made their mark in our world. but what about us down here, over here, out over here? if we have made a mark in someone's life, which we all have just by being born, doesn't that make us a somebody? or could we all be nobodies?


see ya later, alligators.

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