Friday, June 17, 2016

I Support the LGBTQ+ Community

I just thought I needed to say something about this.

Especially after watching Tyler Oakley's video on the Orlando Shooting and being different is good stuffs.

Let me tell you a few things about me first.

I am a catholic who is
skeptical about god's existence.

I am a straight girl who is going to grad school at the moment.

I like people who like to be different like guys who wear makeup.

I am half American and half Japanese and in Japan, LGBTQ+ is not so very public.

I have a friend who is gay.

I think America should get rid of guns. LIKE SERIOUSLY THINK ABOUT IT! Ugh, no more killing! I don't want to hear any more news about a mass shooting or any kind of shooting that happened in the states.

On a lighter note, I like cats :)

My parents have never really taught me about LGBTQ+. I just kind of found out on my own.

I suppose I also kind of found out on my own that it is really no big deal to be different. A "half" kid in Japan is quite different. Especially one that is Japanese-American.

In elementary school I had a friend who had to be in a wheelchair. He was accepted by everyone and I think I learned that there are people who are different and we are all different and it is A-OKAY. I think it's good to be exposed to differences from a young age. There was also a kid who was a bit mentally disabled. It was all good, really.

Which is the reason why I support the LGBTQ+ community. Really. I think it really is no big deal who we find out that we like as long as we can have a civil conversation with each other.

If I can say something like, "Hey, how are you doing?" and they can respond with something like "Good, how about you?" then I really don't care if you like boys or girls or maybe you are asexual or bisexual or you don't really know.

I just don't see what the big deal is. We are all people, aren't we? It's very simple.

And catholic people, Jesus said to "love thy neighbors". Those include the LGBTQ+ community, too.

I don't believe the LGBTQ+ community suddenly started existing. It has always existed, just, people were too afraid or too shamed to be themselves. In some places it was even against the law to be gay (like the 1800s I believe).

But now in this world where differences are celebrated and the laws are nicer and people are accepted, the community decided that it could be. Be as in Exist.

I got off track.

Yes, I support you guys. Anyone out there, I support you. Maybe I'm not famous, maybe I'm not a YouTuber star like Tyler Oakley but I am a person who supports and any support counts, right?

All you alligators out there, you are the best of all bests! :D

Be yourself.

Be who you want to be.

Like who you want to like.

As Tyler Oakley said, "There is nothing wrong". No, there isn't.

Oh, and in my alligator community there is not one type of person who is not welcome. You are all welcome :D

See ya later, alligators :D

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