Monday, June 27, 2016

Humans are better than Animals. Da heck?!

Some of you would surely say, YES Humans are better than Animals because we have humongous brains and we have complex societies and cultures and we have weapons and other technology...that we are killing each other with.

Oh hey. Yeah sure. But our brains are the only things that separate us from the animals. Those societies and cultures and weapons are just the results of big brains thinking too much. So, we are better because we have big complex brains.

Doesn't that sound a bit absurd? I would think
if comparing two different animal species there would be more differences.

Like cats and birds.

Cats have claws, whiskers, they see in the dark really well, they are covered in fur...

Birds have talons, their ears are holes, they have beaks, they are relatively-short lived, they are covered in feathers...

There are SO MANY differences between these species yet, yet humans and any other animals well...

Humans have brains, they walk on two legs, they talk, they are covered in skin and hair.

Animals have brains that are less so than a human's, some creatures CAN and DO walk on two legs, some creatures can learn to copy the sounds and tones of human speech like a parrot, some creatures are covered in skin and hair.

We have brains. That's why we're better? NO. That's like saying cats are better than dogs because they can see in the night better.

Only one difference, only one factor doesn't make one species better than the other.

We are smart but we do not own the animals and weapons are the only things keeping us on the top of the foodchain.

We can definitely say that humans are not better than animals.

But then does that mean we are worse? In a sense we are, in my opinion, because we have used our intelligence to kill each other. If a cat suddenly got big complex brains, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't waste it on things like guns and bombs. Or maybe they would, idk. #catfights

We are not better than animals. Nor are we worse.

So then, what are we? An anomaly? Nope. We are equal, or rather on the same level as animals. We play on the same field. Just because we have complexities that have resulted from our intelligence doesn't mean we are better than they are. Just because we have social structures and many different cultures doesn't mean we are better than they are, as those are also derived from our intelligence and ability to absorb knowledge like a sponge.

NOW when you hear someone say "Humans are better than Animals" answer "DA HECK ARE YOU TALKIN' 'BOUT?"

Just because we have big complex brains doesn't mean we are better. That's only one factor there. Only one factor difference doesn't make us better than animals.

See ya later, alligators :D

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