Wednesday, July 8, 2015

I'm, I'm not sorry: Response to Those Who Still Think Gay Marriage Is Bad

I'm sorry, when was the bible written? No, I'm not sorry, when was the bible written?

BCE for the old testament and CE for the new testament...

Don't get me wrong, those-of-you-who-believe-in-the-bible, I'm Christian, Catholic. It's not like I hate the bible or anything. Just that it IS written so many years ago. Thousands of years ago.

Don't you think that thinking is kinda old? Surely that the Supreme Court ruling gay marriage as legal is God's way of saying, "You know what, I think this calls for a change." I don't want to believe that God thinks all LGBT are committing a sin. I mean, he loves all people right? LGBT people are people. So he loves them, too. And don't we all want the ones we love to be happy? God thought it was time for them to be happy. They deserve it.

We accepted different races in our culture, different nationalities, people with different backgrounds and different sets of beliefs. What's so wrong with gay marriage?

Going by a book written by people who lived thousands of years ago...uhm...I think it's a bit outdated.

Sure the bible teaches us lots of good stuff too, like loving thy neighbor and being nice to your spouse and stuff like that. But I think it's time we rewrite the bible. Is the bible so sacred we cannot rewrite it? I bet God will be happy we updated his bible.

We could have God Version Bible and People Version Bible. God Version teaches us about loving one another. People Version teaches us about acceptance and the good in change and that loving someone is not a sin.

Some people are apparently worried that more people will get divorced now that gay marriage is legal. And some others think that we'd probably get married less and less and there will be less kids around.

I think it's time for a few less people. I mean, look at all the people in the world, New York, Beijing, Tokyo, any of those major cities is crammed full of people. We're like sardines.

Who knows, God could be saying okay, make gay marriage legal so we have a few less people. I don't know if God would be like that but who knows, I mean, we really don't know.

Now if you conservative christian people are gonna start saying I'm a sin to God, I will say well God loves all people, so there! And I've been baptized, I had my first communion in elementary school, I know all my prayers, and I've been to church multiple times, so don't think I don't know what I'm talking about. Even my junior high and high school was a christian school. We had mini masses in the morning.

And that's about it for me here. If I get a response, well, that would be a miracle because no one responds to my posts. So I will thank you if you do.

On a lighter note; see ya later alligators! :D

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