Saturday, June 27, 2015

What's impossible?

Anything to do with magic
Basically anything to do with humanely abilities
Breathing in outerspace
Flying with real wings
Alternating our figures and changing into other creatures

So, there's lots of impossible things. Even things like exploring the entire universe, which is like a scale impossibility I guess.

I was wondering, how far into impossibility is "impossible"?

We can say things are impossible but most of the time, like dragons, it's only because we haven't been able to prove their existence. ONLY because we THINK they don't exist.

Just because we haven't found proof, doesn't mean they DON'T exist, right?

I'm not saying I believe in them. I'm a "seeing is believing" person myself but, if you can PROVE that they DON'T EXIST than I will say "Okay, sure". But let's face it, how are you gonna prove non-existence? *smirky shrug*

I'd rather you find proof they exist or that whatever is seemingly impossible to be possible.

For a long time, I didn't believe hypnotism was possible. I thought it was some kind of hoax...until I saw it live for myself happening to one of my friends.

And of course there are ways to convince people that something exists or is possible. Like...a human with real wings. Photoshop gurus can probably make a few photos and next all we need is some real footage of fake flying through a CG screen and put it on the skylines of New York or something.

If you can convince the media, you can convince almost anyone.

So, as long as there is no way to actually explain or prove that something is impossible, you can never say it is impossible because, might be.

You never know.

Later alligators :)

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