Friday, July 31, 2015

Celebrities like Justin Bieber: A Rant

Sorry Biebs, sorry bielibers (spelling?)

I did watch JB's first time he sang like on X factor or something like that. He is good, I would admit to that. But the way he's used his voice after probably his first album, hasn't done his voice justin...I mean justice, seriously I just really just mispelled that, no pun intended.

He has a nice voice. Pick up a guitar and strum some tunes, JB. Don't go all pop-rock, that isn't your road.

Certainly he's gotten it in over his head. FAME FAME FAME FAME FAME is what lives in that noggin.

I heard, once, maybe more, he had this big party at his house and only girls were invited. And only a number of girls were chosen by JB to go to his room and do...whatever...uh...

I saw a vid of JB peeing in a staircase and laughing about it.

I've heard the many times he was arrested for DUI and/or going over the speedlimit much much too much.

Just because you're famous doesn't mean you get to disobey every inch of the law or do whatever you like to do.

My mom said a strange thing about the Biebs once. She saw a picture of him and said, dead serious, "I bet he's gay and doesn't know it yet."

I have no idea why she would say that. I know JB is famous for being a girl-lover-boy. I wonder how many he's actually dated besides Selena Gomez...hmm...

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