Monday, July 27, 2015

Quotes by Me: Adventures, BYLS, NaNoWriMo Advice, and Remembering Childhood

Covers are Non-copyrighted though I wouldn't steal them if I were you because the quotes are my own and they have my name on them :) can almost hear the sound of the steam train's whistle...

BYLS. The world is beautiful. So, see the world. You are beautiful. So, be confident.

For anyone doing Camp NaNoWriMo or the official NaNoWriMo or just trying to finish a novel. This is advice from a NaNoWriMo 50k Dragon Slayer. Trust me. I know what I'm talking about.

Remember when you were a kid? Remember going under your blankets was an adventure inside a mysterious cave? Remember walking around your backyard, being a detective, a famous explorer, or a pirate searching for treasure? Remember all the things that are simple to you today, were all great adventures?

We can remember those days when we go to the forest. We can feel like famous explorers. We can feel like a pirate searching for treasure. We can forget, for a moment, all our worries and pains and feel like a kid again, when everything was an adventure.

See ya later alligators! :D

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