Sunday, January 11, 2015

Celebrating unofficial Random Day

This, awful, awful photo is one of my first attempts at Foto Flexer. The bird is something I cut out from another wallpaper and the autumn painting is also an iPhone wallpaper. I think they're from the same app... not so sure... At one time I had about five different iPhone wallpaper apps. It was like an obsession...possibly an addiction when I found lots of apps you can download for FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! It was a big thing back when iPhones were still so freakishly new. And now they are freakishly normal. WOW technology.

The reason that pic is there is because I thought it would be appropriate for this random celebration of the unofficial Random Day. It's the day where you do random things, just so you should know.

So, here are a bunch of random comments about random stuff.

I have 802 pageviews on World Problems and Randomness... is that a good thing even if you don't have any followers? Darn it, I am going to get this blog out there somehow. Somehow...

I once laughed so hard no sound came out and I felt I was suffocating but could not stop. I was playing Madlibs with my mother and we conjured a hilarious one. Oh mah gawd, MADLIBS is SOOOOOO funny! XD You literally make this face. I'm serious.

Uhm... how do you start YouTube even when you haven't gone to film school? How do you go about editing the videos? How much of your life will that take up?

Some people think about thinking... it's called Japanese Humble Psychology... it's not but it should be called that. Lots of Japanese say, "Oh, well, I was thinking about doing I've been thinking, you know?" JUST SAY IT ALREADY! ENOUGH WITH THE ANTICIPATION! Good grief!

I can seriously count the number of openly lesbian couples I've seen in Japan. The answer is ONE. ONE openly lesbian couple. They looked so sweet together :) And I do see girls holding hands but friends do that and so do sisters and cousins so you can't really tell if they are a couple or not.

There are some things that I have convinced myself over the years that I like:

Parsley = But I stopped that nonsense. When I was in elementary school I thought I was being grown up for liking it when I HATED it. Oh kids :/

Raisins = For basically the same reasons as parsley but I tried to force myself to like them because my mother did and so did many other people so I guess it was kind of an unconscious attempt to try to "blend in" with the "crowd".

Owls = Yes, owls. At some point in my life I decided that I had to have more than one favorite animal. I liked cats and let almost everyone know it but... I don't really know when... at some point I decided that I liked owls. I still do say I like them. They are cute. But... that's all I can say about them. I really honestly don't know why I like owls.

Tigers = I don't know why I claim to like tigers enough to put them in my favorite animal category. I mean, I guess when I found out that they might go extinct I thought it was rude or something (?) not to like them to an obsessive level the way I like cats... well, maybe not TOO obsessive. I will declare that I say I like tigers in a sympathetic way.

Kind of like "Oh, I'm the only one who cares about you tigers so, so, so much I want to help you... I will protect you and make you my favorite animal! No one has forgotten about you! I am here for you tigers!!!"

But I don't LOVE tigers. Maybe it would change if I ever met one in person (or in tiger?)...I don't know.

I can't really think of anything else I claim to like... not really. I'm usually pretty straightforward with my likes and dislikes. Anyway *shrugs*

Well, I guess that's about it for this blog...

Peace, OUT! :D

Hmm, I need a better signature ending... I'll think of one... later.

Anyways, Happy Random Day! Stay random, peeps! :D

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