Monday, January 26, 2015

Being REAL in a FAKE World

So, recently I have begun to call myself a REALIST while not being entirely sure what it means so...

I choose you, Wiki-chu! (Pokémon reference, haha).

So, Wiktionary told me that,

"One who believes in seeing things the way they really are, as opposed to how they would like them to be" (Wiktionary: Realist).

Wikitonary: Realist

And there's the link.

There were actually two more definitions but this one seemed to fit context so here it is!

The first part talks about a realist and the second basically talks about a dreamer or someone who loves to let their imagination run away.

Huh. I like to do some imagination-sprees a lot of times...but I also like the real world to be talked of as real. And my father thinks this ruins jokes. Hey, I was just being sarcastic! Geesh!

So now that we know I'm both a realist and the opposite we can safely define me as a SEMI-Realist. This is very interesting because I'm also a semi-lots-of-other-things. I guess I'm a Semi. Yup, that seems to define me perfectly.

Oh, and you're probably wondering why I call this world "fake". Because it is! (Realist!) Women doll themselves up to look pretty but it is to LOOK pretty and even though they might be pretty without it they are willing to FAKE a different pretty to feel good about themselves...even though...they are already pretty...

And men...I'm a girl, er, young woman so I can't really say much about men but from what I know, they can make themselves look a certain way in order to appeal to certain crowds whether or not they have women in them or not.

Finally, both genders play off each other's FAKEs to get even more FAKE. She puts on makeup, he tries to look like a pop star, she agrees to all his thoughts, he agrees to all hers and they both disagree with lots of things that they don't talk about because apparently being in a relationship means lying about your true feelings because getting the guy or girl is the priority.

SERIOUSLY?! And both genders wish to be treated equally and with respect. Boy, we still have a long way to go. And I'm not calling anyone out here. And I'm not saying I'm perfect. No one is EVER perfect. We all have flaws. Heck, even Superman had a flaw. He was allergic to kryptonite (spelling??) and had a weak spot for the crazy reporter woman who jumped into any dangerous situation she could find probably just so he could save her. I'm talking about the old Superman shows where you can tell the special affects are forced because CG wasn't that high-tech yet.

I have a few random questions for anyone who would like to answer...

How does a seemingly normal person become radically religious? Is it after losing a loved one or... what's going on there?

Second, when are children allowed to speak their mind and have their parents listen to them? I feel like I should be asking Dr. Phil this. He would know.

Finally, the deepest hardest question of all: Why do we go to war?

gah, dozed off. byez XD

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