Tuesday, January 27, 2015

About John Titor again. Is Time Traveling Possible?

November 2012 John Titor: A Real Time Traveler???

So, this is a link to an old post THAT YOU SHOULD READ. I sometimes re-read my posts and I kinda had something to say about this one.

To think that time traveling might be real, we must think about one thing: Does the future exist?

Of course we know that tomorrow is coming or any near future is coming but does it exist before us in advance? Is the future, where time travelers like John Titor come from, the same future? If tomorrow doesn't exist until we get to it, surely 2036 won't exist until we get to it, right?

So that means that when a time traveler travels into the past, he couldn't have come from the exact same timeline. Maybe there are several different timelines where the same exact things happen. Like copies. And when you travel back in time in one of them, you travel to another timeline???? I'm getting so confuzzled.

But this is on the line that we believe time traveling exists. Does it and can it exist? Should it exist?

Another question, how can you give a prediction of natural disasters like earthquakes or exact estimates of the number of deaths in a war when the event that will happen is years later? Maybe you CAN, with a little practice, predict tomorrow or the next day but surely not three or four or more years later, right?

And again, is John Titor real? If he is, he'll be 17 today so someone in Florida needs to go and look him up. Not talk to him or anything. Just to make sure he exists.

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