Saturday, September 3, 2016

Cinnamon Challenge Meme Dream

Guys, I dreamt last night.


In my dream my parents were watching a TV series in DVD at home on the couch and I was in the kitchen cleaning. But I couldn't help watching bits and laughing cuz it was just so hilarious.

I don't remember what the show was about but I remember it was funny.

So, there was this one scene where a girl is in
a hospital bed and the medicine the guy (her friend that she has a crush on or something) has to give her is "a spoonful of cinnamon" not "a spoonful of sugar".

A spoonful of cinnamon.
He puts the cinnamon in her mouth and she immediately has a hard time swallowing it. I start laughing but my parents don't.

I end up explaining to them that,

"It's called the Cinnamon Challenge. You have to swallow cinnamon. But cinnamon dries your throat up because it's so dry."

It is here that the girl opens her mouth and the guy puts the spoon in to scoop up the clump of cinnamon resting on her tongue in a mound. He just slides the spoon under the mound and scoops it up.

"Guess that was too much for you," he says very matter-of-factly.

I tell my parents again, "The cinnamon is dry so it makes your throat dry, making it hard to swallow. Cinnamon does that, it makes your throat dry."

Then I think, I know something about cinnamon that you don't! I know it makes your throat dry.

Dreams can be strange, I hadn't even been thinking about the Cinnamon Challenge or Mary Poppins or about a spoonful of sugar...or cinnamon.

Btw, I added the words on the spoon pic myself :)

See ya later, alligators! :D

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