Friday, December 11, 2015

Personal Rant on: Japan's Political Parties, the Emperor, and Abe

Hi guys I'm gonna be political and controversial today. Yay *with minimum enthusiasm*

So there was this party of political young people (and a few cute guys) hanging out fliers in Santa costumes out near Shibuya Station. They were members of the Happiness Realization Party. I know. It sounds absurd. Apparently it has to do with something called Happy Science which is some kind of religious thing. According to our very good friend Wikipedia, Happy Science is

"a new religious and spiritual movement founded in Japan on 6 October 1986 by Ryuho Okawa. Happy Science became an official religious organization in Japan 7 March 1991. In the USA, Happy Science has been a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization since 1994" (Wikipedia: Happy Science).


"Okawa claims to channel the spirits of Muhammad, Christ, Buddha and Confucius (among many other beings) and claims to be the incarnation of the supreme spiritual being called El Cantare. Happy Science claims that El Cantare is the true hidden name of the Heavenly Father in the Old Testament, Elohim, known in the Middle East as the God of creation (El) and in other ancient cultures of the world as the Cosmic Tree of Life and the World Tree. Okawa also claims to have direct communication with the "Guardian Spirits" of political figures, with whom he conducts interviews published in the organization's newsletter The Liberty and in book form. (See, for example, Okawa's book The Next President: Spiritual Interviews with the Guardian Spirits of Newt Gingrich vs. Mitt Romney vs. Rick Santorum, 2012.)" (Wikipedia: Happy Science Teachings).

So is this some kind of cult? What is this? It IS a cult, right? A relatively peaceful cult but a cult nonetheless. I mean, from what I know what a cult is there is usually this main person that claims to have contact with spirits and be an incarnation and stuff.

We (Japanese) are not going in this direction are we?

You know, I think Japan's politics are messed up. I mean there's this party that party this and that and these and those and ALL KINDS OF PARTIES! There are so many its ridiculous.

And I kinda wondered today...what if Japan had a Presidential system? *shrugs* What if?

I mean, will it work? I mean, like, what does the Emperor do all day besides signing papers and visiting temples and being all royal and secretive? I know, I know he represents the country but...I mean, I think he should be more involved in the political stuff if we wanna keep him which I suppose most people do want him to stick around.

Yeah I know there were problems with that in the past but now! I think its okay. Unless of course, the Emperor is Right-Wing which...I don't think so.

You know the Emperor visited the Great East Japan Earthquake Victims and talked with them and held their hands and stuff?

What was that for?

I'm sorry to be so blunt but really? It's like, I mean, how could he UNDERSTAND their suffering? Like really truly understand? He probably never goes to supermarkets and sees how expensive things are. He probably never makes his own beds. He probably never wakes up on his own. He probably never has to worry about what to wear the next day or if he has enough money for enough food or if he's paid all his taxes or if he will be able to go home to his house or throwing away the trash or all that normal people stuff that normal people worry about in their normal daily lives.

If I was a victim, I would ask him for help but he's not POLITICALLY involved so what can he do? He can't do anything but visit and smile and shake hands! Geesh! I would be so disappointed :/

I know a lot of people would HATE me for writing this down here we really need an Emperor any more? Modern Japan no need Emperor *mocking immature voice*

I'm Japanese, well, half but EVEN I THINK SO!

I think Japan politics needs a woman prime minister for a change. I mean its been old guy and another old guy and a balding guy and a guy with sagging eyes and a guy with those huge old glasses... where the heck are the women? I mean, I feel like Japan has tried every single political system so why not try a woman prime minister? Heck, why not? *throws arms up in air*

And no, the political cult party should not be allowed to brainwash us peacefully. They are a cult. No doubt they are. Well, maybe a little doubt. Maybe that Okawa guy is just crazy and high all the time. Who knows? Idk :/ Don't judge me. I just think Japanese politics are so messed up. Especially since Abe. Abenomics is even a WORD in the frickin DICTIONARY. Geesh. And now he's trying or did rewrite the constitution. I had no idea you could REWRITE that stuff.

Abenomics made the prices go up and doing anything is more expensive then ever. If you were going to raise the prices how about raising the income? Now we have to have MINIMUM fun. Geesh. I mean that really got me. I'm not a rich person so I can't go out and have too much fun because its so expensive now! Before yes it was expensive but reasonably expensive. I wanted to do a lot of things and go a lot of places and try new stuff...well, until the prices went up. Now I've had to put those wishes behind :(

Now Abe is gonna send Japanese soldiers to war.

Then what? Nuclear plants gonna move again? Nuclear weapons gonna build them? Going to try to take the Senkaku Islands by force now? What crazy thing is gonna happen next, huh? I mean, I'm Japanese and I think so, ask around, there are probably plenty of other people who think so, too.

If you're gonna do something crazy, how about allow Gay Marriage all over Japan? My gay friends would like that :)

Another thing you could do is lower the taxes? Please? Pretty please with sugar on top?

Okay, I'm done ranting. I've gone off topic but who cares! Geesh! *smirk smirk*

Well, on that controversial note *nervous laugh*, see ya later alligators!

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