Wednesday, December 16, 2015

5 Things To Do When You Are Bored by an EXPERT

The thing about being an only child is you have to learn how to entertain yourself.

So I'm an expert, naturally. I've been an only child since I was born.

So, here are FIVE things you can do when you are bored

1. Get your movie thing on your camera on your phone and make hand puppet plays.

2. Gather all your stuffed animals together, set a blanket down on the floor, pretend the blanket is water and your stuffed animals are drowning and pretend that you are the one to save them and make them talk while you miraculously save them by throwing them on your bed and making them bounce sometimes.

3. Draw "artistic" pictures in your paint feature on your computer.

4. Make up a song with lyrics and backtrack and everything but all in your head.

5. Sing the dark Christmas songs by putting all the words in antonyms.

How many of these do you think I've actually done?

All of them, DUH!

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