Tuesday, November 4, 2014

This Recent Thing: Internet Targets Alex

Hee hee, see what I did in the title? Target the store and "target" the word. Clever, don't you think?

So...I went to Yahoo! News and found out about Alex from Target. Target sounds like a fantasy country written this way. Alex from Mars, Alex from Saturn, Alex from Middle Earth. Chew on that people.

When I looked at Alex from Target and read the Yahoo! News article I wondered what kind of person this Alex was. I mean, obviously Internet is only looking at his face. Apparently (and not particularly in my opinion), Alex is cute or hot or something. But what "kind" of person is he? Is he nice and considerate and kind or is he two-faced and about to use this new-found fame to do things he shouldn't and get things he doesn't deserve?

I think a lot of times Internet only looks at what a person looks like on the outside. Some people can, in the view of the Internet, look unappealing to the eye but be very kind, nice, considerate, and even great stand-up comedians.

Where am I going with this? Well, the Internet should definitely try to focus more on the inside than the outside. I think this also comes together with bullying. Kids are told all around them that you SHOULD judge people by how they look.

So, at an early age children have it in their minds that

Ugly people are bad and should not exist (like the monsters that a hero has to defeat)
Pretty people should be showered with love and gifts no matter what they do
And normal looking people should not be paid any attention to because they are probably boring

We, as the adults in the world, should all be held responsible for making Internet act this way and for making appearance be the only thing that matters. Appearance, appearance, appearance! If animals worried about appearance all the time they would all be extinct because only certain types (in terms of appearance) of animals would be left and there wouldn't be much genetic variety to carry on a healthy pure species.

Someone becoming famous...no, it's not their fault...Internet making someone famous just because some people thought he looked cute or hot or whatever is not acceptable. If he was a great person with a great personality and did something nice to someone who was having a bad day, then...well... he could...maaaaybe become famous but if it's just his looks...it shouldn't happen.


Stupid Internet I hate you but I have to use you for lots of stuff because that is what this world has become.

Oh, the irony.

Since I've been living in Japan for so long I don't always find Americans or Europeans attractive. I'm more of a J-Pop girl...or rather I used to be...

These guys are called "Hey! Say! Jump". Don't ask me why. I used to like them especially the one in the front, first from the left. I know, you're gonna say he looks like a girl. But he was only 14 then. He looks totally different now. And, the middle row second from the left, also 14 then. Yep, specifically those two. I don't care for them now though. I actually don't have a celebrity guy crush anymore. They just change so much.

Yup. Most idols seem to be good looking in Japan. Too bad. There are lots of good singers out there in the world. People who actually deserve the spotlight. And, they don't get because they don't have the looks, it's insane.

There. I said it. WE ARE INSANE!

Ok, bye *runs like the wind*

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