Thursday, December 11, 2014

iPhone Post! Window of Opportunity?

This I couldn't even wait until I got home to talk about it with you guys.

A window of opportunity.

Not like anyone said it to me recently but while I was thinking my random thoughts (where most of my blog topics come from) I realized the inaccuracy of that phrase.

Because, now here's the real deal, we say it but mean it in totally different proportions.

A window! Wide open for just a second and we need to hop through it before it closes!

But in reality the opportunity itself is...well, it has a very small opening. It's not a window, in most cases, let me tell you that, no, it is a sliver, a crack in the sidewalk that you have to squeeeeeeeeeze through before it closes. It's like those thrill-filled movies and the protagonist has to run through two walls that are closing in slowly and the last bit just before they exit we're biting our nails and sitting on the edge of our seats because it's such a tight fit now and we're worried the protagonist will get smashed but he or she or it is somehow able to squeeze through that opportunity and come out alive to which we sigh in relief.

That's what it's really like.

So if the opportunity is slim, don't say "Oh, you have a window of opportunity!" Be real and say "Oh, quick! You have a sliver of opportunity! Quick! Seize it! Quick!"

Anyway, Happy Random Day (because it's a day that only comes randomly and it's the first day this has happened...) and hope you have a randomly awesome life :)

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