Monday, December 8, 2014

Hey, let's get rid of money!

"Oooo don't need that cha ching cha ching... ba bling ba bling..." Oh, hi. Sorry I was humming "Price Tag" and... I don't know the lyrics very well.

Sooooo, I don't know if any of you guys overseas know but in Japan, it's been rumored that we're gonna go into Depression. Not physically or mentally but financially.

I wonder what Prime Minister made THAT happen. I mean, we've had over ninety. It's simply ridiculous.

Personally, I don't like this Depression idea for a very personal reason. I'm about to finish college and I'm about to start my own life (FINALLY!) and I want to have fun with my friends before we go our separate ways.

But the problem is,







Oh mah gawd...

It's not easy to have fun any more. And I even hear that next year the tax will go up EVEN MORE.

I feel like cursing and smashing the walls and hitting people. But I won't.

So I came to this question: Why the HECK is life so EXPENSIVE? I mean, wild animals don't need to pay for anything. It's all there. Essentially, we are wild, too. I mean, we don't live in cages. Our houses are our territory just like an animal has territory.

But why do we need to pay for things in order to live? One thing that is so ridiculous is that we tend to get lots of stuff that we WANT but don't NEED.

This want and need thing is pretty darn integrated in our lives that it gets to a ridiculous point.

We NEED food but we don't NEED snacks and treats. That's a desire. We WANT snacks and treats.

We NEED clothes and shoes but we don't NEED to be fashionable and wear Prada or Bulberry or any other brand clothes. That's a desire. A stupid desire in my strong opinion because I mean c'mon peeps, believe in that thing called Natural Beauty and you'll be fine. Why do you need clothes to define you or makeup to define you?

We NEED ways to communicate with each other but it doesn't have to be so expensive any more. I mean, technology used to be freakishly expensive because it was a NEW THING. New things are expensive because the people who created it need to make money to create more and what better way to do it than make the first few expensive? But these days technology is a complete norm. In developed countries, electronics are not so rare any more. They Are The Norm. So make 'em cheaper. We are very lonely selfish and self-centered creatures that need attention like rabbits. We need things that fill that hole in our little hearts. So please technology, become cheaper and make our short little lives easier to live in.

We NEED medicine because well, we don't live in a Star Trek age where anything can be fixed instantly. We WANT... well, some of us, drugs because...well, I guess it makes you feel good or something. In my personal opinion, we don't need drugs and alcohol and tobacco to make ourselves feel better. I don't do any of those three things and I'm pretty darn happy with my life! HA!

And sadly, well, sadly because I like them really much, we don't NEED comic books and movies and books and any kind of entertainment. But apparently you COULD (not that anyone has) die of boredom so I guess we WANT AND NEED entertainment. But perhaps some of it could be more accessible to middle and lower class peeps who don't have so much FREAKISH MONEY to by expensive entertainment...

The wealthy have it easy. It's not fair. If you're a celebrity you can write a book and people will buy it. From a writer's perspective, it is TOTALLY not fair. We have to write a manuscript and send it in and get rejected hundreds of times, just ask Stephen King. Celebrities have it so easy. They don't spend their money right. I want to see a Celeb that does. Sure they do charity stuff but then they buy drugs and alcohol and overdose and go to rehab and jail and... I'm not going on. It just gets too depressing.

We need lots of things. But then, we don't need the things we want. Desire should not be mingled with our needs. But then, well, we are selfish and self-centered creatures that are made up of DESIRES. Guess we just might as well give up and...get rid of money. Yeah. Let's go back to the era where we traded stuff. Money is killing us. Why do we need money in our lives?

Well, hope I didn't scare any of you right off my blog. But hey, this is just my opinion. If you disagree, I'll respect that and maybe we can talk about it. Maybe. You peeps should comment more.

See ya later.

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