Monday, December 29, 2014

Asians Are Whaaaaat???

So...apparently many people who are not Asian on YouTube in the comment section think all Asians are talented and therefore hate on them.

Somehow that makes me mad because I'm half Asian and...I can't play Fur Elise at all or the Flight of the Bumblebee or whatever.

Why is it that non-Asian people always think that Asians are all super talented? Those non-Asians are degrading themselves by saying that and that makes me even more angry at those people because I'm also half American.

It's always
"Oh, little genius Asian kid!"
"Of course he can do that; he's Asian!"

Being Asian has nothing to do with talent. I know a whole bunch of Asians that are just average normal peeps.

And then there are the Chinese (not being racist) that feed this belief by making their kids do hard school work from age 2 or something.

Non-Asian people, have you forgotten that there are plenty of non-Asians that are super talented? I mean, Michael Jackson wasn't Asian was he? Or how about all those talented people that appear on all those Got Talent shows or X Factor or The Voice?

And not all Asian people are good at math. Take it from me, I hate math! And I think the reason a lot of Asians are good at math is because of the school system. The Asian schools are different from the non-Asian ones as far as I know. Unless you really are a born math genius...all of our math comes from Western places. You know, Pythagoras' Theory and Einstein's Theory and all that?

Anyway, non-Asian people should stop degrading themselves and saying that because someone is Asian they can do genius things. And, not all Asians are super genius. I'm not. Heck, I type like this how can I be anyway?

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Who Is N. J. Folettia?

Ahahahaha...aha... well, since I don't have any followers as far as I know, I thought maybe I should tell people about myself.

Okay, so basically I'm your normal girl who hates the word "normal" because the definition of "normal" depends on the person.

I wear glasses that don't have thick rims. I think thick rimmed glasses are just screaming to people, "HEY! LOOK! I'M WEARING GLASSES!!!!!" Nope, not for me.

And, no, I don't like to stand out much but then again, I don't like to be molded into the Crowd. So... anyway.

Also I'm 170cm tall. Convert it yourselves. And in Japan where girls are about 150-165cm or so, I'm freakishly tall. And I can usually see over people's heads. Boys are usually 160-175 or so. Recently there are boys that are 180 and above. Japanese are getting taller. Slowly getting taller.

It freaked me out a little bit when I went to Oregon USA for my study abroad. I was at an event in the...hall where you do sports and stuff...and there is a stage...I think. Almost every single student was there and I was around the middle and I COULDN'T see over the three, four boys that stood in front of me. I had to actually stand on tiptoe! And I could only barely see.

And to let you know, I hadn't stood on tiptoe to see over people in a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. Maybe the last time was...elementary school? I was pretty short in elementary school...what happened? It felt so weird that I was actually SHORT-er in America. I felt so weird. There were lots of pretty girls much much taller and prettier than me and they didn't wear thick makeup like a vast majority of girls do in Japan. Natural Beauty you go girl.

Uhm...what else about me?

If you guys think I'm American you're half right. I'm half American and half Japanese. I lived only 3 toddler years in America so I'm not American at heart. I AM SO FREAKISHLY JAPANESE. I do the multiple nod-bow head thing and say sorry and be humble and don't stand out from the crowd and don't know popular American shows or tv stars.

But I do keep up with some popular culture via Yahoo! News and YouTube. I also watch America's Got Talent, Britain's Got Talent, Australia's Got Talent, The X Factor UK and America, The Voice UK and America, American Idol (a little bit), Dr.Phil, TLC (a little bit), BuzzFeed, Good Mythical Morning and More, Jacksfilms, sometimes PewDiePie, and lots and lots more YOUTUBE!!! Oh yeah :D

I read...books, comics...uhm I like to write (obviously), I like to sing, improv sing in my room when I'm alone, I created a cover version of "Let It Go" and would film it if I knew how the video things worked and how to edit it and how to get music in and just How To YouTube.

I would like to, maybe, someday, do a YouTube channel and talk about some of the things I say in my blog. You know, kind of like reading it out but being as passionate and quirky and uhm I am here.

And I'm working on it.

I was bullied in Junior High and don't really care about talking about it or not. You guys are totally free to ask me to talk about it.

Uhm...I like cats and have one. She's a Ragdoll cat and acts like a queen. I call her Queen or Little Miss Hana (her name came from "Hannah". I don't really like the name "Hannah" so I changed it to a more Japanese name but also easy for American's to pronounce).

I have grandparents and Aunts and Uncles and cousins in both the USA and Japan.

My youngest cousin is about 12 years younger than me. My oldest cousin is the same age as me and is the only Japanese cousin I have. I have four cousins. And then my mother has several cousins and one of them recognizes me as her "cousin" even though we're remotely related and she is much much much older than me and super adventurous.

I am super super super passionate about SAVING TIGERS and AMUR LEOPARDS. Tigers are going extinct. Please do not ever, ever, ever purchase tiger medicine or tiger bone wine or tiger skins. EVER! Your resistance will save Stripes.

Oh, one important thing about me is, I can be blunt and controversial sometimes. I have a right to voice my opinion. I do you know. But I don't want to be mean so I tone it down most of the time.

I think the only way to be popular as an average person on the Internet is to be controversial OR do something big OR do one or both of those things and post a vid of it on YouTube.

I welcome criticism because hearing real criticism will help me grow as a person. I'm not talking about haters that hate for the sake of hating and feeling superior.

I think that's about it.

Thanks for listenin'... I mean readin'.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

I thought "PRIVACY" was a THING

Emma Watson Splits With Boyfriend

Read article. Emma Watson says she does not date people who are famous. Equally I think she is sorry that her "fame" (perhaps) caused her boyfriend pain in their "private" relationship.

I agree with the things she implies: the ridiculousness of the paparazzi chasing after celebs during their private hours.

Look, I thought privacy meant something here. Celebrities are humans, too! Why should they have to have their privacy wrecked? And I don't care which celeb is dating who and married or divorced or whatnot every time it happens. Well, maybe marriage is nice to know but details! I don't want details. I mean,

"We don't care.
We aren't caught up in your love affair." ~Lorde "Royals"~

Why do we need to know if they smooched on that beach date or not? I mean, we aren't ever going to get together with them. We are lowly individuals who don't live in fame infested Hollywood in big houses that are mistaken for castles, for goodness sakes!!

Why should we care? The celebs aren't ever going to have a heart to heart talk with us and tell us all about their problems so we should know about that beach date or whatever.

It's just weird. Just weird. If I'm ever famous I'm gonna file a lawsuit against the paparazzi or just do boring things like going to a cafe and reading a book.

N. J. Folettia was last seen reading a book at a cafe. She ordered a mocha. She stayed there for two hours."


Anyway, think about it. Do we really need to know about celebs and their dating life? Isn't that a bit nosy?

Thursday, December 11, 2014

iPhone Post! Window of Opportunity?

This I couldn't even wait until I got home to talk about it with you guys.

A window of opportunity.

Not like anyone said it to me recently but while I was thinking my random thoughts (where most of my blog topics come from) I realized the inaccuracy of that phrase.

Because, now here's the real deal, we say it but mean it in totally different proportions.

A window! Wide open for just a second and we need to hop through it before it closes!

But in reality the opportunity itself is...well, it has a very small opening. It's not a window, in most cases, let me tell you that, no, it is a sliver, a crack in the sidewalk that you have to squeeeeeeeeeze through before it closes. It's like those thrill-filled movies and the protagonist has to run through two walls that are closing in slowly and the last bit just before they exit we're biting our nails and sitting on the edge of our seats because it's such a tight fit now and we're worried the protagonist will get smashed but he or she or it is somehow able to squeeze through that opportunity and come out alive to which we sigh in relief.

That's what it's really like.

So if the opportunity is slim, don't say "Oh, you have a window of opportunity!" Be real and say "Oh, quick! You have a sliver of opportunity! Quick! Seize it! Quick!"

Anyway, Happy Random Day (because it's a day that only comes randomly and it's the first day this has happened...) and hope you have a randomly awesome life :)

Monday, December 8, 2014

Hey, let's get rid of money!

"Oooo don't need that cha ching cha ching... ba bling ba bling..." Oh, hi. Sorry I was humming "Price Tag" and... I don't know the lyrics very well.

Sooooo, I don't know if any of you guys overseas know but in Japan, it's been rumored that we're gonna go into Depression. Not physically or mentally but financially.

I wonder what Prime Minister made THAT happen. I mean, we've had over ninety. It's simply ridiculous.

Personally, I don't like this Depression idea for a very personal reason. I'm about to finish college and I'm about to start my own life (FINALLY!) and I want to have fun with my friends before we go our separate ways.

But the problem is,







Oh mah gawd...

It's not easy to have fun any more. And I even hear that next year the tax will go up EVEN MORE.

I feel like cursing and smashing the walls and hitting people. But I won't.

So I came to this question: Why the HECK is life so EXPENSIVE? I mean, wild animals don't need to pay for anything. It's all there. Essentially, we are wild, too. I mean, we don't live in cages. Our houses are our territory just like an animal has territory.