Saturday, July 9, 2016

I have a chance to make this! Publish my novel *chants over and over*

You didn't know this because I didn't tell you but me and my parents, we have been working to get published in an academic journal with me as second author.

Found out today we have been rejected and can't resubmit to the journal

One: It is bad that we have been rejected and can't resubmit to the journal.

Two: My name won't be on a published piece. My real name, that is.

Three: Very nice critiques with kind suggestions and reasons stated for the rejection.

The second point means something to me, guys.

I have long decided that the first ever published piece with my name (my pen name) will be on my novel Liaffon. THIS MEANS THAT, it COULD be Liaffon. It could be.

Even though my dream is Random House cuz I do own lots of books that they've published, I am looking into other publishers as well.

Fingers, not crossed cuz I need them for typing...that Liaffon will be the first THING I publish.

There's a possibility that it might take a while to edit that academic paper and get everything together again. So, that means I can go all NANOWRIMO-ish on my novel and get the first book done and write up a bunch of querries to agents and find a publisher that wants my stuff.

You know, the reviewers of that academic journal were very nice to write up short reviews and why they rejected it and what we need to do to improve...can't ask for better rejectors.

I mean, I know it might sound crazy but I was so GLAD they criticized the paper. It needs it. I mean, I WELCOME critique for my novel. Heck tear it up to pieces all I want to do is improve, yo! You can say you hated it but you NEED to give REASON why you hated it otherwise I will probably set loose a Savaj. It is an ugly rat-like creature with tiny eyes and it is HUGE! Maybe like a large elephant. It will trample your house down flat like a pancake.

Okay, it's passed midnight and I'm a little crazy right now and weirdly awake but I just wanted to write this down and get it out.

UNFORTUNATELY, I need to write three papers for school first.

GAH!! #writerstudents (tweet me @thetigerwriter and tell me your woes with being a student and being a writer)

See ya later, alligators :/

Happy writing, fellow writergators.

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