Thursday, December 12, 2013

King Smartphone : Sarcasm Time and Reality Check

Dear King Smartphone,

You have brightened our otherwise dull little lives with those apps and fast Internet service of yours.  We really appreciate the fact that everything we need, you will give us.  We can send messages instantly.  We can take, save, send pictures and even use those fancy photo edit apps to spice up our 2D lives and post them on popular networking places like Facebook or Instagram.  We also appreciate some free services you offer and enjoy the great connection.

King Smartphone, you are every single aspect of our lives we really thank you for all you have done for us.  Wherever we go, we take you along because without you, we know we are nothing.  Nothing at all.  Thanks to you we have also learned how stupid and childish it is to be patient.  Patience is so old fashion!  Why be patient at all when you can give us all in just a matter of seconds?

Your world, King Smartphone, is much better than the world we live in.  To immerse ourselves further into your digital haven, we purchase every new version of you and completely shut the world out.  Who needs that world where everything is so unpredictable.  Thank you King Smartphone for providing us with a predictable world.  Everything is a lot less surprising and we can even meet our favorite movie stars at the right place and time and not have to think "Darn, I missed it!" later when we see the news on TV.

We terribly wish we could live in your world, leaving this dirty world behind.  The digital world would be such a paradise for us.  Never would we need patience.  Every second is wasted in this old world.

We conclude now that without you, we are nothing.  Our lives are intertwined with yours and there is absolutely no way we can go back.  Why would we ever go back anyway?  Look at this perfect world you have created.  You are everywhere in our lives.  You are with us when we fall in love, you are with us when we've had a bad day, you are with us in the car, you are with us at work or school, you are with us when we eat, you are with us when we talk with our friends.  We would rather talk through you than look up and waste seconds to talk face to face.  Who in their little minds would ever think of talking face to face when surely your superb texting system is much faster than having all those "um"s and "like"s in the middle of our sentences.

Thank you all that you have taken over, King Smartphone.  We appreciate your dominance.


Users of King Smartphone

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