Monday, February 3, 2014

J.K. Rowling regrets character match-up: SPOILER ALERT (sort of)

Today I saw an article about J. K. Rowling coming out that she regretted matching up Ron with Hermione.  This is a case of character match-up regrets.  I can feel her.  Totally.  I mean, when you start writing, working on a plot, planning all the way through, its different when you actually start writing the story.  And, finally, when you leave it alone for a couple months and go back to it.

Am I making any sense here?

When I did my first NaNoWriMo, I outlined a plot.  Since I don't normally outline a plot it was kinda tricky at first.  My main character, Chelly, was initially supposed to go to a young police officer to help her find the island that appeared in her memories and go with him to that island and find connections to her past she couldn't remember because of amnesia.  She was initially supposed to fall in love with him, forget her past, never remember, and finally settle down and have a family.

But it turns out when I was writing the story, following the plot, her remembering was becoming a big part in the story so, I changed it.  She did go to a detective and they kind of find each other's past in their eyes and well... love, see?  I'm the kind of writer who changes plot as I go along.  I tweak it here and there, but making sure I never lose track of my initial goal for the story; Chelly needed to find love again and live happily ever after on the island she washed up on from the ocean.  It had to happen one way or another.

This is my way.

J. K. Rowling seems to be one of those people who come up with dense plots and follow it completely.  I'm not saying she definitely does this because I've never met her and I'll have to look up interviews and stuff I don't feel like doing right now.  You can do it if you want.

as a fellow writer, I can see where she comes from.  I understand that in the beginning, the very first plot is like your baby, your child, your pet that you don't want to let go.  Her pet was that Ron and Hermione would get together and in the movie it was obvious that they may soon become an item.  It was clear Harry and Hermione were just friends.  Friends to the end, that is.  Such special friendship *tears up a bit and smiles*

My point is that I understand why she went on not changing the original plot.  And another thing, once she made it seem like it was going to happen, then brought girlfriend possibilities for Harry, it was like, "No going back now, J. K. Rowling."

Personally, I think it would be interesting if someone, maybe even J. K. Rowing herself, had the guts to rewrite the whole series with the aim that Harry and Hermione would get together and Ron would... idk... who else was there... Luna Lovegood or someone else... maybe there can actually be someone NICE from Slytherin that can be with him.  I did like though, how Malfoy (I'm not spelling his name right) had a heart in the end.  You know, his parents did take him away but, he did waver for a second.  I kind of would be interested to see his side of the story through the whole series and afterwards.

Though it always takes me off guard when the main character suddenly switches and I have to change perspective completely, for the writer its fun to think "What was happening to the secondary character when the main character was doing that?  What was the secondary character thinking?  (If he is a bad character) What were the real intentions behind his doings?  Could he possibly have re-thinked his actions?"

Sorry to J. K. Rowling that I have not read any of the books.  Just the movies.  But I really like the fact that she involved herself completely in the movies because it is true some great books like the Hunger Games, can be totally ruined by the movies (my opinion).  I should not have read the book beforehand.  Or maybe I should not have watched the movie.

Same reason why I'm never going to watch "The Host" because the book was my first ever page-turner and really, really, really good.  I'm really, really, really afraid it'll be ruined forever by the movie.  It was SUCH a good book.

If J. K. Rowling ever comes across this post and miraculously reads to the very end, I would like to tell her that she is an amazing writer.  Persistent, imaginative, and someone I can never be on equal ground with no matter how much my friends tell me I could be.  NO.  NEVER.  Not even in a million years.

Did someone just say, "Hey, N. J. Folettia looks a lot like J. K. Rowling!  Yo stealing the idea for a pen name buddy?"  Well... not really.  But I had no other idea for a pen name but...I really wanted to use my middle name for SOMETHING.  In Japan, people don't have any middle names so I never use mine.  EVER.  And... on a writing site, Figment, I use this pen name that is half my real name and half my fake name.  And I kind of like it.  So I thought, well, I don't really want people that I know to find this blog by my real name and see what the heck goes on in my crazy mind.  And my mother doesn't really know about this World Problems blog.  Only the Saving Wildlife one.  And she doesn't read it soooooo...

No, I'm not copying anyone.  It just happened to be that way.  Well, maybe I did use her pen name idea as base.  But at least its not J. K. Folettia or N. J. Rowling, right?  It's my own pen name.  So, yeah, that be 'bout it, buddy.

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