Thursday, August 24, 2017

What If...I was WRONG? (Debunking My Theories and Thoughts)

Exactly a month has passed since my last post...but of course, if you're new you won't know that. Well, now you do :P

I'd like to address some theories and philosophical thoughts of mine I had years back.

Here are the stuffs I claimed:

1. John Titor is a real person AND a real time traveler.

2. The idea that something = nothing.

3. I'm a realist.

4. Wanting and Needing are two separate things. You can want something but you may not need it.

5. Galligator: Her Royal Randomness is NOT N. J. Folettia.

The last one is probably a conspiracy theory about myself that I created for myself or rather, I tried to.

Let's address that first and get it out of the way, shall we? :)

5. Galligator is me. I am Galligator. That is just my YouTube name. 
I had this crazy idea of pretending that Galligator and N. J. Folettia were two different people to keep myself anonymous and hide behind the screen. But ever since I figured out what my channel was about and became comfortable posting vids of myself (for my cringe and your entertainment), I stopped pretending N. J. wasn't Galligator.

My twitter name was also different from my Blogger name and then I had a Facebook account with yet another name... so I made everything the same "N. J. Folettia" except for my YouTube.

1. What if...John Titor was all a hoax? What if time travel is IMPOSSIBLE?
Well, that would end my theory then. If it was all a hoax, it was all a hoax, the end. If time travel is, realistically speaking, impossible, then that would make everything easier to think about. Deny the possibility, end of story.

Do I PERSONALLY believe time travel is possible? I think, to some extent, it can be possible. But, probably not the fantastical way movies show how it's done.

2. Something is not Nothing. 
That is like saying a Cat is a Dog or that Snow is Warm. Contradictory. Actually, if you go to the post link for this theory, it's quite a weak theory. I can understand myself wanting to link the two because of some poem I wrote years ago but that's just stupid.

Something is something. Nothing is nothing. They do not equal each other. Period.

Yes, yes, you CAN force the theory just like you can force a theory onto almost everything as long as you have facts to back it up and history to prove others have proved it in the past (because that's how people prove things).

3. I'm a realist. Wait, am I?
What makes me a realist? I had thought it was because I don't shy away from the negative aspects of the positive fluffy fun stuff. Yes sure you can go bungee jumping out of the blue but you still have to plan, get a helicopter, someone who can take you up there, yada yada, blah blah blah.

But really what makes me a realist is that I don't shy away from the facts. I live on facts. The facts say bungee jumping out of the blue is possible. They also say there's a TON of planning to do. I'm not saying you can't do it, I'm just saying you need to be aware of the facts involved in it whether they are good or bad or neutral.

See, I'm not saying "You can go bungee jumping out of the blue BUT you have a lot of things you need to do for that". I'm not adding in that negative-sounding "BUT". I'm not disagreeing to the things I said before the "BUT".

I'm just talking about the facts, the stuff on the surface. No negative opinions. Nada and nothin.

And so, I don't see "the world is nice BUT we have wars". I see "The world is nice. We have wars." I hope you get that ambiguous nuance there.

4. Wanting and Needing are NOT separate things.
I have come to realize, actually, that even the things we may not necessarily think we NEED, we do need.

We need it for our development. A child does not NEED a toy yet he wants one. Give him the toy and he will learn to be creative, playful, caring, and other things. I'm not saying to turn the kid into a "I want, I want" brat. A healthy dose is important for his development.

We do not need to eat cookies (I just had two delicious butter cookies). Cookies do not contribute to our health. Yet, if we are not given these pleasurable items, we may find life boring or non-stimulating. When we want desert and we are told "No, no, you don't need that" we can actually argue that we DO need it. Well, a healthy dose of it, that is.

I'm not teaching kids that you need to eat cookies to be happy. I'm just saying you are allowed to treat yourself and you don't have to abstain because you don't NEED cookies to be healthy.

There are things that stimulate our lives and even though we don't NEED them necessarily, we do need them a bit for our development and stimulation. Otherwise we would be so terribly bored with our boring lives. Like movies. A healthy dose of movies is needed to keep us entertained in our lives.

And so, that was me debunking myself. I wanted to show you guys that I'm not believing that I'm right and that I can see myself as wrong. Just in case you thought I was a know-it-all girl who wears glasses and reads books. I'm just a girl who wears glasses and reads books...and sings.

See ya later, alligators :)

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