Monday, April 10, 2017

Should YouTube Animators do a "Face Reveal"?

Inspired by Jaiden Animations, especially this video, I've come to wonder why people are so intrigued to see who the Wizard is behind the curtain.

If good things are coming out, then why should we even bother knowing who is behind the curtain? WHY DOES IT MATTER SO MUCH?

Like, take me, for example.

There are lots of things you don't know about me, especially if you're new. Even if you have stumbled upon my twitter, you may not have seen the videos...that I posted on a whim (and no, you don't have to go looking for them :P )

Like many people who start out not showing their faces, I started out here, blogging. Others might do animations. Or they might do product commenting or gaming reactions with just their voices.

I was very unsure about showing my face to the world. Not because I was afraid of what people might say about me. But because I didn't want anyone I knew judging me for the content I was going to post. They knew me in a certain way. I didn't want to be somebody they didn't know. Some part of me that I've never shown them.

My friends, my family, relatives...people I sorta know... there was always a part of me I didn't want them to see because I was afraid they might stop seeing me in a certain way that I wanted them to see me as.

Idk. Did that make sense? So confoozing :/

"So like what were ya gonna post that you were so afraid of?"

Well...anything I talked about in my blog, that's what.

Basically, it all comes down to judging.
People judge, it's a people thing that people do. Sometimes it can be helped and sometimes it can't be helped. You do it without thinking.

"What's this got to do with animators? Isn't it the content people have come looking for, not the face?"

True, true, people watch animations on YouTube not because of what the animator looks like but because of the content. They judge the content, not the face.
A LOT of YouTube content is about showing faces and expressions
animators can do that through their animations. They don't NEED to show their faces.

Although it's nice to know who the genius is behind the curtain, it's fine if it remains a mystery.

Animators shouldn't even be forced to show their faces. They shouldn't feel like they have to do a "face reveal" just because some people are curious who the genius is.

I shouldn't feel like I have to do a "face reveal" just because that's the norm.

But I did, for a long time, consider showing my face and then deciding not to but still thinking about it.

Even Jaiden says in the beginning of her video that it has always been in the back of her mind.

For some, a "face reveal" is like taking off all your clothes and standing in front of a gazillion people you don't know, stark naked and completely vulnerable.

We should only do it when we feel 1000% comfortable with it. Yes, one thousand percent. It's not a typo. I meant to say one thousand.

The YouTube community needs to start appreciating content more than faces. It's seriously not about the face, guys. You can have good content and NEVER show your face.

Should YouTube animators do a "face reveal"? No.

Can they do a "face reveal"? Yes, when they feel 1000% comfortable with it.

Should they feel obligated to do it? No. Definitely not.

Should YouTube promote more videos that are "content over face reveal"?

See ya later, alligators! :D

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