Friday, October 2, 2015

Watching Grace Helbig Makes Me Wanna Blogger: Diaoyu / Senkaku Islands

It always does. It always seems to get me here again even if this is the middle of the night... 2am peeps!

Darn, I'm talking randomly again...

So... whatcha guys do'in now?

It's so frickin windy outside...sorry, I sweared.

But it's so frickin windy outside...currently I'm living on the 7th floor of a building (could be a pyramid *rolls eyes at self*) and I can FEEL IT SWAYING!

It's making me sick a little.

Do you want me to talk about controversial stuff? I've got TONS! No, I'm not racist. I accept all types of leg itches...oh mah gawd it I was saying, I accept all types of people. As long as I can have a civil conversation with you I don't care what your race is, where you are from, your background, or what you believe in. Those things don't matter any more when, say, if we click cuz we both like cats.

Anyway, today in class we were talking about the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands. I could care less. I think we should talk about global warming and ending wars and saving endangered species. Not some remote island out on sea that has oil that THEY SHOULD JUST SHARE!

My opinion, anyway.

I mean, c'mon! It's ridiculous! Just leave it, darn it. Little China and Little Japan are fighting over an Island Toy while the Mommy Rest-of-the-World could use a little help with all her aches and pains.


Sometimes I wish people would view the world simpler. I mean, what is important in living in this world? Not the little remote island. We don't really need it to live on Earth, do we? I'm part Japanese living in Japan and I'm mostly Japanese in my heart. Yet, even I think we've got better things to worry about.

Japanese politicians, I don't even know what they're doing anymore. It's so messed up now.

Darn, I should go to bed.

So long folks...

Oh, and the above is just my personal opinion so don't go calling me out on it. I don't wanna get a message from Google Blogger saying that I'm a threat to society.


see ya later alligators!

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