Friday, October 2, 2015

I wrote a book: Random House is my dream

A lot of books I have...are published at Random House.

I love the name "Random House" because I love randomness. Great friends with upcoming YouTuber Galligator: Her Royal Randomness, btw. She's not here today cuz it's 2am in the morn.

Also, Random House is linked with Figment: Write Yourself In, a community writing site that I have been on since it's very faithful beginning.

So, here's an excerpt of my book.

Liaffon Book One: East Seekers

(I will report you if you...never mind.)

Never mind I won't even post it here.

Liaffon Book One: East Seekers @ Figment

Instead here's the link. I just don't trust people on the web not copy-paste-y my stuff. At least on Figment you can't select. That's a relief.

You can tell I did the cover myself...maybe you couldn't, anyway, I did the cover myself. It's the vision for Liaffon that I had...well, when it was only one book. I had no intentions of making Liaffon into a potential trilogy but, here we are.

It could also be a potential quadrilogy (four that how you say it?) but I still don't know.

Anyway, the cover is of course, subject to change to something more appropriate to the first book.

Just a spoiler...that is also subject to change.

Book Two: Mayah

Book Three: idk...actually I do but just not the title

Book Four: idk

So here you are. Mayah is about a girl living in a world close to ours but slightly more advanced. Yet, rainy-day traffic never seems to go away in any age, darn it :P

The thing that's different about the first and second books is that the first book switches between two characters that are important in the story. The second book has one main character only...who has the darnest habit of muttering and mumbling. Cute or annoying? You decide :)

My idea is that the story starts four days before the characters in the first book arrive at the scene in the second book. Four days. I think I kept that idea. I could've changed that to five...wait, gotta check my days again...

Anyway, the days are important. They coincide with something very important to the whole plot in the second book...nope, not telling! :D  Why is it so fun to make people all excited but then not tell them? Why? :D

Random House! I love you guys, and splendid covers! :D OMG, the artists are awesome! I so wish I was a photoshop guru and then maybe I can stop using people's pics...and start using my own!

Oh, and I've been working on this book for...uhm...since I started Figment so...It says member since Dec 2010 on my page...which means...I'll have been a Figgy for five years this December...that is ridiculous.

Figment has apparently been around since 2008...but not fully fledged until 2010. Established 2008, okay, I see...

Oh, sorry guys, talkin to mahself there :D

So...I have not been on Fig from 2008 but I have been a member since it kicked off in 2010.

Crazy stuff...but hey, five years. Worked on Liaffon for five years. I'd like to say I had at least a year and a half when I didn't write anything in Liaffon at all. Not just because I had writersblockitis (serious disease for us writers, guys) but also because I wasn't so serious about finishing Liaffon or getting it ready for publishing or anything. Only in the last few years did I really "up" my game.

Oh, and uh Liaffon (lee-ah-fawn).

Got it? Good! :)

I probably edited Liaffon...five times. Then I wrote up a bullet-point summary of what happens in the story and found shocking results... nothing really happened in the book. So, with the story fully written down in my mind, I went into major rewrite mode.

This means, I opened up a completely blank new clean Word Document and began to write Liaffon all over again from scratch. By this time I had already started and "finished" writing Book Two and even started on the first chapter of Book Three thinking hey ho I'm on a roll now! which I wasn't just a fake one.

Anyway, I rewrote Liaffon and tried, with NaNoWriMo 50,000 words experience to get Liaffon to 50,000 words and make the story dense like Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials series. Just a few months ago I finished rewriting it and not only that it's currently got...60,902 words and growing.

Growing because I'm going back to clear up messes and plot holes and try to make a believable world. For great beautiful scenery, I'm going to actually study J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. The first book. Because there is some good descriptive word magic going on and he's like the tops of all tops in fantasy books. Idk even why I'm telling you all this. I have no one to tell, really. I'm a lonely soul when it comes to writing.

My parents don't really get how grueling this can be. My Mom used to write and then I asked her one day why she wasn't continuing her stories. She said, "I've moved on past that phase in my life."

I could not believe my ears.

A PHASE??? Writing is just a frickin (sorry my language) PHASE for her????

That is insane. How can writing be a phase? I do not understand her sometimes.

Enough of the jabbering.

My point of this post *laughs to self in a ridiculous way* is to say I am ready Random House. I am ready to find an editor. All I need to do now is write up a pitch and finish editing my story. That will come soon, I'm telling you.

So, anyway, thanks guys for reading this long. Enjoy the rest of your day, night, afternoon and all the times in between depending on what part of the world you live in.

See ya later alligators! :D

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