I grew up with a Catholic mother. She taught me the bible, the stories, songs, prayers, we went to church sometimes on Sundays.
As a kid, it was all just interesting and fun. Well, not church XD I was so bored and the only parts I enjoyed was getting a share of "the body of Christ" and singing songs and putting the little bit of money in the donation bags.
Do I believe in God?
That's a pretty big question. Let me break it down for you because it involves lots of little questions.
Do I believe in an entity that watches over us from above?
I don't believe that is possible. I don't believe something can watch over the billions of humans that live on Earth all at the same time. Argue with me as much as you want "oh how can you say that when you don't even know?" I'll repeat your question right back at you. "How do YOU even know?"
Do I believe in an entity that is bigger than all of us?
Not really.
I'm a bit ambiguous with this because I can't prove that there is nothing and neither can YOU prove there is something.
Until there is proof, I'm willing to stay ambiguous on that.
Do I believe praying works?
No. Unless you do something about it.
If you are just praying and not doing anything, nothing is going to happen. You can pray, go ahead, but then do something about it yourself.
Surgery, and other medical things, you can't say "oh it's up to God". It's up the people who are treating the patient and the people who are researching the disease and the people who are coming up with medicines. Praying to God may give you strength, I believe that, but God will not do anything for you.
You need to do it yourself.
Do I believe God exists everywhere?
No. He can't possibly.
If there is a God, he can't possibly watch over all of us. Babies are being born every single day and people are dying every single day and people are suffering every single day and people are probably praying everywhere every single day.
God would have to transcend space and time and probably get a headache, that is, if he even
has a head.
If you can't prove that he exists everywhere or that there is something out there (other than molecules) that does exist everywhere, I am not going to believe anything can exist everywhere at the same time.
Do I believe in the word of the bible?
I believe the bible teaches us important life lessons like accepting people with differences. But, I don't believe the miracles are all true. They are stories written by storytellers. Yes, I believe there was a man named Jesus. He was probably very smart and very wise and liked by many people. When people idolize someone, they can exaggerate stories.
And how many centuries ago are we talking here?
Things that can be explained easily today, were miracles back then. Like the man who was crippled and Jesus said "Walk." And then he wasn't crippled. What could have really happened? And how crippled was this man anyway? I'm not saying Jesus is a fraud. I'm saying that he was probably a very smart man who knew what to do to help people that most thought could not be cured of their diseases.
Who knows? I can't prove my theory and neither can you.
Do I believe in the resurrection of Jesus?
Scientifically speaking, it is possible for someone to seem dead, their heart actually stopping, but then actually not be and "come back to life". How do we know for certain that Jesus actually died on the cross? We don't know. He could have well been alive.
So, if Jesus was alive, he didn't resurrect. He just came out of the tomb. People don't understand such things back then because they didn't have medical technology. So, they believe he's been resurrected from the dead.
Jesus after that? He probably wandered off somewhere to live out his life in a quiet little village.
I can't prove that though. But neither can you prove that he was resurrected from the dead.
Do I believe in the afterlife?
I like to think that there is something after death. A nice, warm, sunny, happy place. Yes, sure it's fun to think that Heaven has it's own city and you can eat and do anything you want, but that can't possibly be true.
I do like to think that there is SOMETHING after death. I like to call that place heaven. But it's not the same heaven as the one in the bible where there are angels and God. Jesus might be there because he's human, too.
On a side note: Do I believe in a previous life?
It's fun to think about, but I do NOT believe you can have previously existed in another era. That's just crazy.
Do I believe in God?
Kinda no.
I don't believe there is some large entity watching over us, listening to all our billions of prayers, and who helped a man create miracles. I believe there is something after death, and I believe the bible (the New Testament in particular) can teach us important life lessons. I also do believe Jesus was a real person.
So there you have it.
My beliefs.
Don't argue with me or try to "convert" me or try to "pray for her because she's got the devil inside" or whatever. These are just my beliefs and opinions. Please respect that as I will also respect your opinions :)
See ya later, alligator ;)