Saturday, July 19, 2014

Kill off mankind and start over

You know, the way we have evolved on this one-of-a-kind's like a privilege. I mean, initially, Earth was an Animal's planet. There weren't any humans. Then something happened and humans started to roam the earth. Then something else happened and we started to get smarter and then we started to get greedy and then we got all religious and then scientific and the more we found out, the more questions we had.

And each question, we went to great lengths to find the answer, like sending rockets up to space.

we weren't on this earth. We were added.

So, we have no right to be all conflicty with each other and destroying the planet that has PROVIDED US WITH A PLACE TO LIVE.

It's like living with a roommate and not respecting their boundaries. It's not the earth's fault we go through so many hardships. It's our own fault.

So, about the shocking title I gave this, well over the course of evolution, we have created religion, science, literature, and disease. We have created reason to conflict, boundaries, and weapons. We have created wars upon wars upon wars.

Today, we have SOOOOOOO many problems.
Let me make a short (or not so short) list of all the stuff that's going on today and make you overwhelmed.

In no particular order,
Religious wars
Boundary wars
Wars dealing with resources
Wars dealing with races
Civil wars dealing with politics
Politics itself
Presidents or Prime Ministers who don't listen
Diseases with no cure
Diseases hard to deal with
Poor countries
Countries with a wide rich-poor gap
Governmental censor ships
Robbery / Theft
Illegal weapons
Illegal drug trade
Illegal wildlife trade (animals and plants)
Sexual assault
Sexual abuse
Domestic Violence
Child abuse
Animal abuse
Freedom of speech (absent or not absent)
Bombs (of any kind)
Nuclear weapons
Nuclear power plants
Exploitation of natural resources
Spies (going to one country illegally to find out information)
Organized crime
Education (lack of it or not enough)
Discrimination (gender, religion, race)
Tobacco / Cigarettes
Crime against humanity
Human rights abuse

and...I'm pretty sure there's a ton of other stuff that's problematic in our world.
Well, what do you think? That's a pretty long list isn't it?

With all these problems though, its actually amazing that we haven't wiped ourselves off this planet yet. I mean, its a pretty dangerous place to live in, if you know what I mean. Despite all of these things, and it sure is gonna get worse with technology improving with hacking and computer viruses becoming a problem, we have managed to survive.

But for how long? Will the earth destroy itself or will we destroy the earth?

And, sometimes I wish we had a restart or refresh button. We'd just press it from time to time when global problems have become too much to deal with.

Too bad we can't deal with problems one at a time. Like, we'd deal with, say, religious wars and while we're dealing with it, the other problems will naturally come to a halt.

Boy, it sure would be nice to do that.

But since we can't, maybe we should kill off mankind and start over? Surely there's a way to make evolution happen so that we never have conflicts and we can be just like animals; a part of the environment. Sure culture is important and all but how can THAT even thrive in this messed up world anyway?

Well, it's just a thought.

I'm certainly not gonna be the one to do it. And I don't want other people to get crazy ideas. But seriously, we need to buckle down and get these problems out of the way before we can enjoy our lives at all.

"All of you people out there, get your lazy butts off the chair and get cracking!"
says a rather annoyed voice that may or may not be your hallucination.

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